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Drying inside the pot before harvest


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Hi all, im wondering if anyone has experience of plants drying to a smaokable stage whilst still sitting the the compost.


I'm growing a auto gelato 41 and she's in darkness now but these last few days she's dried completely out in the soil. I stopped watering nearly 10 /14 days ago and pots are quite light to lift. 


My other plants are all as expected for harvesting but the gelato41 is bone dry! 


I touch any bud site and it's all dry and brittle and breaks off, I pop the bud in the grinder and it's a perfect crunch and grind. I smoke it and its as smooth as a baby's bum and it took nearly an hour to finish it as its indica and I was mashed 


No ones heard of this before, I was told its bud rot but the plant is all airy and no dense buds for rot to sit on plus I defoliated her last week ready for the chop so she's no leaves either. 


Despite the grind, the flavour, the touch.... that comment bud rot has stuck with me and I'm convincing myself it's nothing like the pics I see but thought I'd ask if anyone else has been able to smoke straight off the plant whilst still in soil and not have to speed dry the bud to smoke. 



Edited by Darknight420710
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I have never dried in the pot and dont really fancy the idea of it due to the potential of losing out :yep:


Should you suspect rot  ,  try standing the plant in front of a light source and break up a nugget in situ ..... do you see a whispy / powdery like cloud ...almost like ciggy smoke ?   

A cloud would be indicative of rot.      

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I've had a branch get damaged before so no water was being drawn through it and it is as you describe, the bud dried on the plant. 

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Thanks both


Oldford There's no smokey stuff coming off when I break it up and I even did it with my black card behind the bud to help identify any and I couldn't see it. Plenty of dusty bud and trichomes and stinks like the stuff that gets me excited when I buy good shit. lol


Thats maybe what I've done KC as I have read ive slowly killed it in the soil and its drying out now its used its reserves.


shame I can't upload a video .  

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6 minutes ago, Darknight420710 said:

Thanks both


Oldford There's no smokey stuff coming off when I break it up and I even did it with my black card behind the bud to help identify any and I couldn't see it. Plenty of dusty bud and trichomes and stinks like the stuff that gets me excited when I buy good shit. lol


Thats maybe what I've done KC as I have read ive slowly killed it in the soil and its drying out now its used its reserves.


shame I can't upload a video .  


Nice one mate ,  so it would be very similar to an outdoor hot weather flash dry as in getting extra fast dried ,  just leaves you with crispier bud than normal :yep:   


Great news on not having rot  :george:        All the best with it mate and enjoy the fruits of your labour sir  :yep:

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I’m about to try this method out myself for the first time when I take my tree down next week mainly because it’s such a pain to get it out of there whole with the screen still attached.


I think @highgrower does this fairly often as that’s where I got the idea from so maybe he could expand on this more :yep:

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I have left plants in pot for a while before like going away and just switching off the light and leaving them for about a month - they were very dead and dry on my return but smoke was fine and no probs with rot or anything.


For scrogged plants i have been just cutting them off at the base of the stem and just leaving them to dry off as they are.






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Thanks all its reassuring and I look forward to getting back to my diary with update on harvest. 


I just felt I had to make a separate thread in case my Q was missed. 


Thanks all 

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