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Deep Chunk Sub Beans- Read This If You're Considering Them


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Hello folks,



I outlined the Deep Chunk that are on the sub list when I sent them in, but that was in the "more free seeds" thread.  



There's bit some interest in these seeds today, so I wanted to take a sec to outline them for the sake of transparency. 



First-  The term "F5" is NOT accurate.  It's just what I used to track generation of the seed as best as I could.  The F5 notes that they are the 5th generation, allegedly, PAST where Tom Hill released them.  I assume they have probably been increased teens of times before they were released.  So they're likely much further into filial generations than the 5th gen.




Parents-  These "f5" were made from two plants.  The male made trichomes in flower.  The most I've seen on a male in person, but certainly not the most I've seen in photos. The mother was as you'd expect.  Squat, big leaves, dense buds.  Earthy, herbacious, wet, "dank" smell.  It smells like old weed.  Not a trace of anything that resembles anything sweet, fruity, etc.  It smells like a wet basement, ok? hahaha



Intersex risk-  I revegged the resin male, and it behaved itself pretty well.  It's still in veg some months later ( and cuts have actually been sent to AKBeanBrain for his opinion) and hasn't shown any signs of shittiness.  No auto-flowering, no weirdness.  So that's cool.  The mother did not have a pleasant life in flower.  It was smashed completely full of seeds, underfed, cold roots etc.  This was intentional.  It showed some intersex traits.  I don't think it was flat out horrible, but it definitely made nanners.  I picked maybe 5-8 nanners off it during flower.  Normally, I would have just trashed it all, but this was the end of my Deep Chunk seeds.  So it got allowed to live.  


You know, you get what you get when you've only got two plants.  



So that's where these seeds are at.  The potential for intersex is definitely there.  Keep a close eye on them.  I suspect they may be ok if they are treated lovingly, but these ARE NOT  "set it and forget it" plants.  They need to be watched closely for the risk of intersex traits seeding everything.  



I guess what I'm getting at is, this is weed for people that like the ritual of growing their own weed and seeing new strains.  This is NOT weed for the average person that just wants to grow some cheap dope as quickly as possible, with the biggest yield. 





Just wanted to make sure that was made clear and totally transparent.  I'm not a breeder.  I'm just a dude that loves messing with these plants and is hoping to figure it out via a combination of "doing" and making relationships with the right people over time. It's sorta starting to "click" with me, and I see why a lot of older dudes have ratholed these indica genetics from the 80s-early 2000s.  There's a LOT to be used there.  Nevils indica releases as well as the continuations or crosses of those releases that trickled through the Dutch Seedbanks in the 90s are fucking killers.  As are the indicas that were worked in the Pacific Northwest area of the US and Canada.  Lots to be said for that group and era of worked genetics. 




The weed was real stoney, for what that's worth, as it should be being Deep Chunk.   I've sent photos of these parent plants to some older dudes that are pretty in-tune with Deep Chunk and the opinion seems to be that it looks the part and it's reasonable to believe that this IS Deep Chunk. Males that make resin, as I'm told, are a characteristic of the strain.  



So there's that.





There you go @Shumroom  @Devon Cream

Edited by Cajafiesta
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Nice one @Cajafiesta :yep:


I know it might seem like a lot to ask some peeps,

but It’d be great if everyone who sent in seeds dropped a thread just like this as well as the **more free seeds** info.


Deep Chunk is a strain that’s been on my radar for ages,

so I might have to grab a pack for when I can keep an eye on them.







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@Shumroom i was just giving you shit about the "guilting" thing.  I really prefer to do it this way.  I don't want my name giving people a bad taste.  I'd much rather prefer complete transparency so that someone doesn't ignorantly tie their coins up in something that they didn't expect.



Here's some photos for illustrations.




"f4" mother seeded in flower.  Obviously abused, intentionally.  Cold roots and underfed.  This one made the nanners.




f4 male that made resin. this is the father




This is the same f4 father, looking much healthier, after a reveg and some amendments.  This is how they should look when not abused to hell and back.




This is an unknown sex f5 plant.  It was abused from a seedling onward.  At this stage, it's over watered and underfed.  You know, just for funsies.  It's been in veg for...i dunno.  maybe six weeks now.  Was slow to start and was definitely stunted.  probably due to the over watering.  I potted it up 4/8.  More or less, all the growth that's here started at 4/8. This thing needs the water cut back and it needs some food.  That's the cause, i suspect, of the weird shitty looking leaf. I'll probably start treating it good for 2-3 weeks and then flower it.  The good news is, it hasn't done anything odd in veg.  No auto flowering or anything of that nature.  Yet anyhow...Stress testing, you know? The oily looking sheen on the leaves is just that.  That's a result of me waging war on fucking mites.  The insecticide is soybean oil based, so that's the odd splotching on the leaves that seems to be an oil sheen. This one wants some nitrogen to my eyes.


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