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Hi guys,


I’ve just tried the paper towel method. Got a good main root from each then switch to peat blocks. Approach 3-4 days. Was using a heat mat as well. I think I either over cooker them or over watered/saturated. Had no further growth after 7 days. Pods looked darker and roots had shrunk hence me thinking fried/rot after I investigated one. 6 lovely skunk XL babies wasted :(

I’ve decide to try the next batch just going straight into small block pots with a coco/perlite mix with draining. Turned off the heat mat as the model I have didn’t have a heat control. With prop lip on to retain moisture. I’ve only slightly soaked the mix. Kept in a dark cupboard. Has anyone had better results using this method? 

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I find the most reliable way is just to plant the seed in the medium and then put it in my veg tent. It's ok keeping them in the dark until they sprout but try not to leave them too long or they'll get all leggy searching for light. Probably a good idea not using the heat mat if it's got no temp control. I fried a load of seedlings once in a heated prop that had no thermostat. It's an expensive lesson but one you don't forget.


Fingers crossed you have better luck with this lot :lucky:

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Just now, KC said:

I find the most reliable way is just to plant the seed in the medium and then put it in my veg tent. It's ok keeping them in the dark until they sprout but try not to leave them too long or they'll get all leggy searching for light. Probably a good idea not using the heat mat if it's got no temp control. I fried a load of seedlings once in a heated prop that had no thermostat. It's an expensive lesson but one you don't forget.


Fingers crossed you have better luck with this lot :lucky:

Thanks brother. Been a while since I last dipped my toe back in so just relearning the ropes. I have a separate prop cupboard with a t5 from when they sprout properly. Always liked getting some initial growth before moving into a big boy tent. I run hps so want to avoid heat, stretching too much going straight under a hps. Want to get a good process going again, dying to give some F1s a try and those arent cheap seeds!

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Cup of tap water works for me,48 to 72h for them to germinate then goes into pre watered coco or compost.

Keep lamp a bit higher then usually if your on hps so surface don't gets scorched until they pop up(takes a day prolly)

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+1 for @catweazle1


I've just cracked a ton of seeds that made me feel ill wetting them, here was the method. 


-Prep 10L of water with 5ml of A+B, Ph 6.0.


-Fully saturate a big enough pot of coco to fill starter pots, i ran water through mine until it ran clear from bottom of pot. 


-Tip pot of media into a clean pillow case and squeeze! Not bone dry, but get a good bulk of the water out.


-fill starter pots and give them a tiny shake to settle the coco.


-Poke holes, i used a cocktail stick with the ends snipped flat.


The pots went into a propagator, then into my germination area while i soaked the seeds.. To double check the temps would be ok! 


-Soaked seeds in glasses of water for about 24 hours, no longer then 36. Looking for cracked open seeds, tiny tap roots or noticeable swelling. 


-I tip the glasses into a dish with paper towel laid over the top, they either fall onto the paper and drain, or stick to the inside of the glass with the water tension. Easy to gently pick up one at a time. 


-drop seed onto media and manipulate towards hole, pointy side up! gently push down into hole with cocktail stick and just brush over the hole at the top. 


-Put them into the zone you have sorted and wait. You can leave lights on etc if you need them to keep stable temps. 




ASB Rainbow Belts 2.0 12/12

UGORG Disco Biscuit (1-5 are F2, the other 3 original)  

ASB Puro Loco, Dough Lato 2/2, 2/2

UGORG Cookies BX1 10/12

ASB Eager Beaver 5/6


They were all planted after 24 hours soak, and up after 36 hours. Probably the easiest germ i've done. 1 tap root grew straight up out of the coco and then died, the remaining 4 i'll give another couple days then bin. 




Diary circa summer 2023




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My preferred method is the damp kitchen roll sandwich in a dark container. If their older seeds i c section the seeds on only put the seed on the damp kitchen roll and don't cover the seed. The most important thing it getting them into your grow media as soon the the root starts to grow.

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Simple suits me. 

Straight into a root riot cube, 4 squirts of water from a hand pump sprayer, into a non heated propogator, then into a warm cupboard. 

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Shot glass of water, in a warm dark cupboard for 36 hours. If they've not sunk, give them a tap against the side of the glass. Straight into soil with some loose ventilated cling film over the top of the pot, job done. Tried the paper towel but I either let them get too dry or drowned them. I am an idiot though

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17 hours ago, catweazle1 said:

Soak media; squeeze it well; put in pots; poke 13mm hole and plant seed. Cook at 20-25c.

This is the way.

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Vertical paper towels.

I recently started messing with recirculating hydro and wanted to try bare roots straight into clay pebbles.

I did the paper towel sandwich thing which I rolled and stood vertically in a dark container in a corner of my veg box.

I let the tap root grow a lot longer than you would probably do usually. This was so I had something to hold while I filled around it with pebbles.

Keeping the paper towel vertical throughout germination makes the seedling grow nice and straight.

I did this to see how I'd get on starting them off without using cubes or rock wool.

I've had mixed results with cubes and rock wool seems to have a somewhat iffy reputation.


When I start my outdoor stuff soon it will probably be seeds straight into starter pots of moist compost and into a warm propagator.

I often pop a seed in my mouth before it goes into soil. A bit of saliva and very lightly nibbled. Did I hear a crunch?

I read that one years ago. Digestive juices and mechanical forces. Some plant seeds won't germinate without the correct permutations.

Obviously dope is fairly forgiving given the variety of methods people use with success.



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Easy way for me drop of water in a plastic shot glass leave in a warm dark place till they split then straight into some compo couple days later and plant comes up.

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