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First of all, high (and i hope as high as possible). Then as to my name: it's my gametag. So I'm not here to show you all how it's done. In fact, I'm half of a n00b. Half cause I must have smoked at least 200 pounds of weed in the last 35 years. 

But i tried my first grow 8 years ago. The grow went fine and i had about 200 grams of bubblegum which was very smelly.  I was living in a rental at that moment and of course police showed up but my personality made them go away without me loosing my house or my stash.

I did die a thousand deaths at least twice in those five minutes.


Nowadays I am a house owner and have built a shed in my garden. It's loose from the ground so the Cold won't come in too much and it is double walled with isolation in it. The inside has been made airtight and i grow 4 plants with 4 autopots and bio tabs for the food. Got 2 led viparspectra P2000 lights in it. I run them on 65% cause the plants turn to ash if i put a 100% on them. First harvest i did with them i had burned leafs but still did a cool 300 grams of awesome hulkberry and watermelon. These plants were all auto's and i fimmed them which added 2 weeks of growth. I'm now doing 4 gorilla glue auto's from barney's and i lst'd those and here im expecting way more weed. These are not burned  and look delicious. 

I found this site because i neede info on growth in cold weather. These babies grew up in a shed with 14 degrees of temp... fixed that as soon as i saw it haha.

The whole setup (building and material) was about 3000euro and that is what my first harvest would have cost when i would have to buy it.

BTW: i'm dutch, the police here will not intervene when you only grow max 5 plants and you don't cause any trouwde.

Edited by grazzlord
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Ow yeah, i also extract weed oil and make weed butter. And subsequently build chocolade muffins with about 8 grams of weed butter each. Small error in the recepy. I was the only one that didn't OD on them hahahahaha. 

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Welcome to the site. I won't wish you luck on winning the lottery if that's what you want to buy though :P  I'm not a Bmw fan but I wouldn't say no to an M4.


Good luck with your grow.

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