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humidity in flower (quick ?)


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Just wondering what peoples humidity % they aim for in flower?.

mines currently at 50% with a tiny dehumidy that makes little difference but does bring it down a wee bit during lights off.   

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45 minutes ago, buddybill said:

Just wondering what peoples humidity % they aim for in flower?.

mines currently at 50% with a tiny dehumidy that makes little difference but does bring it down a wee bit during lights off.   



VEG I tend to run +50% if I can reach it without using too much additonal power. 

FLO I tend to try and keep it under 55%. 

a lot of folks will send you over to VPD charts which if you try and follow VPD can end up with you spending a small fortune trying to control each % point. 


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My plants are in around 70-80% and a week or so to go. Out of 10, I've chucked one plant because it clearly had no mould resistance earlier on. My approach is a bit different because I'm pursuing plants that are ok at around 20c and up to 80% humidity and my pollen chucking endeavours will be to that end. I want plants that tolerate my environment. Pursuing a low humidity approach may lead to closed stomatas as the plants try to maintain  a favourable internal environment. This is the lights off temp which wil rise to around 20c... lights have just come on in this image. This plant is Royal Domina.





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thanks for the replys and info. i do remember learning abit about VPD couple years ago and then went eyeballing up a bigger dehumidifer/air purifier straight away so i get you when you say its can be costly keeping it perfect. 
To be honest my temps and humidity are pretty standard most of the time 22-25c 50-55 other than the odd UK summer heatwaves bring it too 28-29c 40%-50% and when it pisses it down for days humiditys up by like 10%.


Awhile back i grew out 2 valley chems regs both came out female but were not as easy to grow as everything else ive popped and they were the side by side another strain doing good, so im thinking its just gonna be a finicky cross.One plant was just a sad fuck that never seemed to uptake much water and was abit seeded at harvest.The other was just a freak it did good in veg then didnt flower for ages come 12/12. But they were strong smoke its topanga canyon x stardawg and ive still like 6 seeds left in the fridge. Just dunno if its worth trying them again next year like or just growing stuff iknow is less likely a gamble.     




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Sounds like it is good most of the time.  I'd be worried at 85% personally.  When my extractor power cable got knocked and detached recently I went up to 91%.

I guess the point is the bigger and more dense the buds - on average, the higher the mould risk if RH stays too high.  A good fan and a lower average RH and you may well be fine. I have read way more than I have experienced and I guess the scribes are always keen to tell you that the best option is always caution. In the real world, things go left, right up and down...

I manage to stay between 55-65% RH most of the time, though my in-tent hygrometer disagrees with the AC Infinity and says it is actually 45% RH.


Interesting approach @catweazle1. Have you done a lot of breeding that way?


Good luck @buddybill :)

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@MidgeSmith Haven't done any pollen chucking yet. Starting after these with my first subjects. Not sure what I'm using yet, but they won't be high-yielding dense, cola-types. Just got some @badbillybob Deputy Dog with my Smile F3's and that looks a perfect match for crossing a male with RQS's Royal Domina fems. Morphology looks similar.

Deputy Dog


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I aim for 45-50%, but it's temp dependant if you wanna stay in a decent VPD range, so sometimes when my humidity is too low I lower my temps a bit to balance out the VPD.

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great job mate, she looks very frosty, and it will be interesting to  cross with the royal domina, sounds like a knockout.

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I have a strain that is susceptible to rot. Gave her small amounts of bio silica during flower - problem solved. I'm always around 55-75% no matter what I do

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