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Home Secretary Suella Braverman considers upgrading cannabis to class A amid concerns over evidence linking it to psychosis, cancer and birth defects


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another ass hole comment by a fanny, to take the public's mind off all the fuck-up's the y have made in the last 2 weeks ,,get them out as SAP

Edited by geogeo
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3 hours ago, bongme said:

Neil McKeganey, director of the Centre for Substance Use Research in Glasgow, told the fringe meeting that drugs pose a greater risk to society than religious extremism.

He said it was a 'serious dereliction of their responsibilities' for police chiefs to treat drug use as a health problem, adding: 'It’s like trying to win a war by providing more hospitals.'


Ah yes, Mr McKeganey. 

From the Glasgow Herald:



Critic of SNP Government anti-drugs strategy in row over tobacco industry funding

31st March 2019


A research unit led by an arch critic of the Scottish Government’s anti-drugs strategy has received funding from tobacco companies, the Herald on Sunday can reveal.

The Centre for Substance Use Research (CSUR), co-founded by former Glasgow University professor Neil McKeganey, has taken money from cigarette makers such as Philip Morris International and British American Tobacco (BAT).

It has also been funded by a UK firm that was behind an alternative to the methadone programme, which McKeganey has said is “out of control” in Scotland.



You can check out the company's accounts on Companies House. No indication where several millions in assets have come from.



However, McKeganey has been criticised over the funding of the CSUR. The website for the research centre does not currently provide details of backers, but older web-pages retrieved by the Herald on Sunday do provide names.

In the CSUR’s “funders” section, the website used to state that one backer was UK firm Reckitt Benckiser, which was behind the withdrawal medication Suboxone, a competitor to methadone.


The CSUR website also shows that the Centre has attracted funding from global tobacco giants BAT and Philip Morris, which collectively brought in revenues of around £100bn in 2018.


So too has support been provided by Nicoventures - set up by BAT to focus on alternatives to cigarettes - and vaping technology specialist Fontem Ventures, a subsidiary of tobacco firm Imperial Brands plc.


These are the kinds of dodgy "research" organisations being listened to by wide-eyed halfwits like the Home Secretary.

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3 minutes ago, Mr mcgregor said:

I grow my own, s


so do they, but make millions from it lol 


it’s a simple turf war lol 



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People will always take drugs. Because drugs make you feel good. If they didn't, people wouldn't take them. You can try to stop people from doing it, for whatever reason you name (but the real reason is always about control), with penalties up to and including the death penalty for simple possession and people will STILL take drugs (it has been shown time and time again in authoritarian regimes that kill drug users, people will still do it). It's just part of being human (well, being an animal actually, plenty of other species consume rotting fruit that has started to ferment, psychoactive plants and fungi not for nutrition but for the buzz). There's nothing immoral about it (there's nothing immoral about feeling good). What is unnatural, immoral, not part of being a human being (or even an animal) is the fucked-up thinking that makes you want to put people in prison for it :headpain:

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All this just days after the leader of the free world told us that putting people in jail for simple possession or use of "cannabis" is wrong and should never happen... Do these politicians live in the 70's, don't they realise that us plebs have access to all the evidence that they have about cannabis and what is happening around the world with respect to cannabis? I really do think it's time to kick off big time! In the meantime, just keep growing, no sell, no smell and no tell! Oh and as if the popo are gonna start tweeting about the 2 plants seized from Mr hashcity and how that's gonna have a knock on effect on the cannabis supply in Sheffield, lolololol. 

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I just found out that a small percentage of our population are at risk of dying if they eat peanuts. I demand the immediate banning of all peanuts from the U.K. I declare war on peanuts. 

people may suggest sensible legislation so those that enjoy peanuts may continue to do so, safe in the knowledge that their right to do so is protected whilst ensuring the safety of those who are at risk. To this I say, no, no laws, no regulation just an out right ban, remove the scourge of peanuts from our earth all together. Peanuts have no redeeming features or benefits with their delicious flavour and crunchy texture when consumed whole or turned into some kind of demon butter. 

Say no to peanuts people!!!!

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6 minutes ago, Hashcity said:

I can't seem to get on to the current affairs section today. Wha gwarn? 

Has been made subbie only for the time being.

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