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Dehumidifier setting


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Hi all


I bought a 2nd hand dehumidifier "essentials" which I think is curry's brand.


The settings has 4 different modes 40% 50% 60% cont


What is the 40% .. does that mean remove 40% moisture from the air and is it the same for 60% so if I had it set at 60% sitting right on the outside of my grow tent in a closet, will it reduce hunidty in tent to 40% 


I've used it the last 2 nights when lights out and it taking moisture as the bucket nearly full in the morning but humidity isn't really being lowered inside tent


I'm baffled lol

Edited by Darknight420710
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Hello mate.
I usually keep my dehumidifier set to 50% in the lung room. That means the machine is aiming to get the room to 50% humidity ,in turn the groom stays high 50’s low 60s depending on outside and how recently iv watered the girls.

So 40% 50% 60% are all target for the machine to bring the rooms RH% down to.

when mines reaches 5% below the target % it switches off and periodically tests the air then switches back on when levels rise past the set %.
Later in flower I’ll put it on to run constantly to try keep the spikes and dips to a minimum . Hope this helps :yinyang:

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Are people using the compressor-type or dessicant zeolite-based? I just got one of these zeolite ones, which had a third knocked off. Inventor Rise 8L Dessicant dehumidifier. Lifts the room temperature a few degrees as well. Consumption is 350w and 700w



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