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Chopping early due to temps


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Well folks nearing the end of my first growing season and so far so good. 


I am concerned that temps are getting low. 7/8c at night. Am I in the danger zone already?

Have atleast 4 weeks left to go. Not sure if they’ll make it to November though. 


I see some in England having issues with mould. I’m sure the weather in Ireland’s usually worse lol 

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If your plants are straight in the ground they'll cope with the low temps better than potted examples, perhaps play it week by week rather than either chopping now or sitting it out til November.


I just chopped some indoor early out of necessity...9 weeks instead of 11/12 and it's made a massive difference to the effects, proper racey anxiety fuel it is lol



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As Bilge Pump rightly says ... early chopped herb is racy , para inducing and not nice lol    


If you are in pots try insulating them both around the pot and under them ,  be mindful not to trap water exiting routes. 


If you are able to safely visit the plants , do so regularly as rot can engulf a plant literally overnight.


Push as long as you can mate,  an extra week may not gain you in bulk but it can mature a fair bit more than it will grow.   


I spoke to another member last night regarding this exact same thing ,  if its needs must then chop away but dont expect the end product to be on point ,   our plants are hardier than we give credit for , they can take a kicking in the adverse weather but they do have limits  :yep:


All the very best with them mate and the very best of luck

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I had to chop mine down a little before I'd planned to as I noticed the very beginnings of rot on a couple of points. Cut those parts away and launched. I took one plant down early first as it was a runt anyway and I wanted to have a trial run at drying in my wine cooler, but then a couple of days later I saw a spot of rot on my larger plant. I got rid of that rot, and went to leave but I realised I was going to be unable to attend the area for a good few days, and I didn't want to risk losing the whole lot in my absence. So I turned around and reluctantly chopped the remaining. It is what it is. Better to have chopped a little early than to end up with nothing. But, as long as you don't have any rotten bits yet, I'd keep it going as long as you can really :)

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Thanks for all the helpful replies people. 

@BilgePump @OldFord @Hashslag

They are all in the ground. Happy days, I (accidentally) chose the right option when planting then :) Some could probably go 5-6 weeks but I know that just ain’t going to happen. 

I will be visiting today, and regularly until their brought home then. Hopefully later rather than sooner - I fucking hate racy uplifting weed. I think it’s my ADHD, but I just cannot enjoy the high. I want my brain to slow down, not speed up lol 


Would bubble hash made from a premature harvest give a racy high aswell?  I was thinking it might be more mellowed as it’s concentrated.. altho thinking about it now it’s probably just gonna be a stronger racy effect lol. 


So daily/regular check-ups, pick and toss small infected areas and try not to chop too early. 

Lost a tiny plant to mould a few weeks ago. Was 1 node tall and not much of a fighter. Have no mould on the remaining bigger plants yet. Fingers crossed it stays that way :smokin:


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Check the long range weather for your area mate. Then go day by day. As the guys have all rightly stated, leave em as long as possible.

I was expecting some issues with mould, down to the plot being crammed and densely surrounded.

But yours seem a lit more open and have good air flow .

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@CheechChongReturns will get on that now mate. Yeah a lot of mine are only about 4ft as they went out late. Another happy accident lol haven’t bothered removing the fruit thorns, hoping spores aren’t going to cause an issue


@Hashslag oo I’m going to look into this more. I want to make a concentrate anyways. Tolerance to flower is getting a little ridiculous. Hash is a different type of delicacy too. 



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Will be checking up shortly. Need a second banger first lol thanks for the advice @B-real i’ll be doing just that. 


1 plot (2x Durban Dew) has 1 way in/out so may not visit as regularly. Won’t leave any longer than a week here 

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I think Low temps are fine as long as there is low humidity. Here there seems to be high pressure which leads to clear sky and usually low humidity. A lot of strains have genetics from Afghanistan and  similar where it gets very cold but also low humidity.


From my experience hash does seem to make the high more chilled than the weed it comes from not sure why.

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@growitandsmokeit humidity 70% atm but a nice day today. Checked all but the 2 Durban Dew. 0 mould. All looking good. I think my fast lemon cakes are nearing the chopping window faster than I thought. buds feeling dense-ish

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I took one of my two plants down a few days ago due to a tiny but of bud rot, I was lucky and caught it very early. Unfortunately the plant still needed a week or two but shit happens I guess.


The other plant looks fine, so I'm literally checking it every few hours now for early signs of rot. It went down to around 6c here lastnight and its very damp with fog too.

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