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Dealing with the threat of power cuts


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Hey everybody how are you doing? Looking forward there is talks of potential power cuts so what I wanted to ask the fraternity was how is it best we can deal with lights on and off during flower? I'm thinking of getting some battery operated lights which I can use in the event of a cut. This is all I can really think to do as a saver. Any better solutions please guys? Thanks. Peace. 

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Oh yeah please don't suggest petrol generators as I don't think my neighbours would be pleased espesh as I use lights on thru the night. Peace. 

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15 minutes ago, DankStank said:

Fuck the lights.  It's the filter you want to worry about.


The plants will survive the darkness. The only thing I'd be concerned about with lights is making sure the timers haven't been knocked out so they turn the lights on at freaky times when they come back.

If you can't keep the carbon filter running, then I'd be filling my house with ono/ona (always forget their name) blocks.

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Are we likely to see power cuts then? Seen headlines online but didn’t bother clicking. Sick of hearing about it all tbh. The news just seems constant doom n gloom and hard to believe how fucked the country is.

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you can get usb fans which have built in batteries. couple this with a ups and you should be golden for up to a day.


anymore than that, get a punkah wallah.

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Thanks everyone for your inputs here's me focusing on lights and totally missing the filter!!????? Here's to hoping it's scaremongering and bullshit. I only do a few at a time at the mo so I'm not under major pressure or threat but it was on my mind earlier and I thought I'd run the horrible idea past the experts. Peace. 

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Never done this, but my plan is to grab a power inverter.  Worst case you can whip the battery out of your ride (if you have one).  It'd be no good for powerful lights but should run the fans for a decent amount of time.

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Car batteries aren't designed to be fully discharged, so you'd be better off buying a cheap lead acid leisure battery. 


I won't post the link but there's a good DIY UPS guide in wikihow. 

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