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Feeding and Flushing

Celtic voyager

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Afternoon all.

Looking for an answer on feeding and flushing plants.

I've been reading up on this on various seed banks forums, and they generally say flush two weeks before harvest.

What I would like to know is this.

If I use a good quality multi purpose compost, that feed my plants up to six weeks, and the finish time is around 8 to 9 weeks for the plant.

Should I just flush from 6 weeks, and not bother with any type of nutrition feeding.

I'm just talking about autos plants.



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Is there any concrete evidence to say flushing is actually beneficial? I thought our friend Bruce Bugsby said that it isn't necessary. I maybe wrong of course

Edited by Larry Badgeley
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1 hour ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

That plan won't work. There isn't a multipurpose compost on the market that can do a full run with no nutes. 


Thanks blackpoolbouncer.

I have been feeding nutes, biobizz, grow and bloom. 

I'm in the process of Flushing at the moment. 

It's just that I read on the compost info, that it can feed up to six weeks.


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A flush is generally 2 weeks for a photoperiod and 1 week for an autoflower.


I personally don't flush most of the time as I don't over feed throughout the grow and I don't find any real difference. (I grow organic though)


I wouldn't flush an autoflower from 6 weeks or it's going to really struggle to get over the finish line without nutrient deficiencies.


I've used Sohum Organic Living Soil in the past and done water only throughout the entire grow cycle on a 8 week veg with no problems whatsoever but it's too expensive to throw away so it would need re-amendmeding and going the No Till route would be best if using that soil.

Edited by QFMAC
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19 hours ago, Celtic voyager said:

Should I just flush from 6 weeks

u want to be looking at the plant and reading it for the time to flush

for me, the best way I can explain it, is I am reading the plant - I time it so that when I get cloudy trics, after that, when there is about 15 - 20% brown pistols, thats when I flush [for 1 week] 

by the time the flush week is up, the buds have over 50% brown pistols, maybe more, the bud has had a flush growth spurt [they always seem to fatten a bit more when at the end & getting the flush], almost like the plant knows its time to finish

what im getting at is there's no set time per se, its about reading the plant (for me anyhoo)

as you grow more you'll be seeing how u want ur bud & to flush just before it ready




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If your finish time is based on what the packet says then you may be waiting quite a bit longer, and if you don't know how much longer it will be then flushing is not a good idea.


I use compost with plant magic grow and bloom and don't flush. Maybe the final watering before chop if that's the way things fall, that's it. The compost nutrition lasts around five weeks for me and it's generally another 8 weeks to harvest.



Edited by mister phlegm
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