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Woman, 60, with terminal cancer charged with cannabis possession

Simple Jack

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I would like to congratulate North Wales Police, the CPS in fact the whole criminal justice system for pursuing this terminally ill woman for this heinous crime. It is nice to see that the taxpayers money is being well spent on making our communities that much safer. Does the nominal £10 fine and a 6 month community order not show some sign of empathy towards the woman? It's not exactly being tough on crime. I suppose any stronger punishment might be seen as cruel given her diagnosis. The optics might not look good if she died in prison for less than 400 quids worth of weed.

/Sarcasm Off

Her solicitor was correct when she said "I don't think we will see her back before this court again." as the poor woman will probably be dead before another case against her could be heard.

It's a fucking disgrace.

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21 hours ago, Hombre del Monte said:

That's a fucking disgrace. Stage 4 cancer, for fucks sake! and they give her a community service order. £307 worth of cannabis. I would like to know exactly how much weed the poor woman had, 


Poor woman, my heart go out to her.

Someone who can't apply basic mathematics

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My maths is probably worse than most but here goes. According to https://wayofleaf.com/blog/how-much-does-weed-cost-in-the-uk

In the UK an ounce can be bought for ~£180 so that means she was prosecuted/persecuted for just over 2 Oz.

Then again the police might go off street prices of £10 per gram. Which means she was done for 1.31 Oz.

Alternatively the police valuation may be more in line with prices a group of Scottish islanders paid of up to £800 for an ounce of weed! Which means she was done for less than half an Oz.

Whichever way you work it out it is just pure cruelty to put a terminally ill woman and her family through this.

Was it in the public interest?

Who was the victim?

Who benefitted from this prosecution?

Is it about justice or is it about arrest and conviction targets?

How do these people sleep at night?

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3 hours ago, Nick Berry said:

Someone who can't apply basic mathematics


I live in Spain and have no idea of weed prices in the UK. 


Do You know the price of weed where I live?

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20 hours ago, Hombre del Monte said:


I live in Spain and have no idea of weed prices in the UK. 


Do You know the price of weed where I live?

yes it's in euros

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