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Woman, 60, with terminal cancer charged with cannabis possession

Simple Jack

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Woman, 60, with terminal cancer used cannabis to ease her pain and sold it

A 60-year-old lung cancer sufferer put cannabis in her food to help ease the pain of her condition and sold it. The 60-year-old woman was caught with the drug and charged.

The woman, who has Stage Four lung cancer, admitted possessing the drug with intent to supply it and being concerned in the supply of it. She was caught with cannabis worth a total of £370, along with £205 in cash and two mobile phones.

Mold Crown Court heard she told police she was only supplying the drug to her family members and that she hadn't realised that supplying it to members of her family was illegal. A judge gave her a six-month community order.

her home in Cae Mawr in Llandudno on March 25 last year. The defendant was there with her granddaughter. Ms Carrier said she told an officer: "I've got cannabis. I'm not going to lie."

Police found snap bags with "Bob Marley" logos in a bag down the side of a sofa. The search continued and the officers discovered cannabis worth a total of £370, along with £205 in cash and two mobile phones.

The defendent told police she had Stage 4 lung cancer and had taken cannabis oil, which became too expensive. She took cannabis in her food instead, the court heard. She also supplied it to her husband and a son but did not realise she was committing a crime by doing so to members of her family.

Sarah Yates, defending, said her client is ill and had been "vulnerable to an extent" but regrets her actions. She has lost her good name and this is "possibly a lesson well-learned", she said.

Ms Yates added: "It's safe to say I don't think we will see her back before this court again."

The judge Her Honour Nicola Saffman noted that, when cannabis oil became prohibitively expensive, the defendant put cannabis in her food to ease the pain from her lung cancer. But in being in possession of a Class B drug and in supplying members of her family, she had broken the law.

She said the woman had not realised she had committed her offences and had done so out of "sheer naivety". She added: "You are a lady of previous positive good character."

She imposed the community order, fined her a nominal sum of £10 and ordered the destruction of the drugs and forfeiture of the cash, which will go towards North Wales Police's fight against drugs crime.



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That's a fucking disgrace. Stage 4 cancer, for fucks sake! and they give her a community service order. £307 worth of cannabis. I would like to know exactly how much weed the poor woman had, 


Poor woman, my heart go out to her.

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they raided her home too ffs all those little trotter foot prints leaving a bad smell in her home


this won’t give her a bad name it will cement her in history as the granny that stuck her fingers up to the law to medicate herself 


it’s your body, nobody has the right to tell you what to put in it or how to treat yourself when i’ll 


another proud day for the police working off their mortgages by arresting elderly cancer sufferers 





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26 minutes ago, Simple Jack said:

and forfeiture of the cash, which will go towards North Wales Police's fight against drugs crime.



So they can persecute more dying people :puke::no:





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This whole two tier system is absolutely fucked, legit scripts shouldn't be out of the reach of normal people due to prohibitive pricing.


Good ol' blighty, get to fuck with yer outdated laws :thumbdown: 



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Fucking terrible what the pigs did to this poor woman.


Seems to me her main mistake was to sell the weed. Probably would have just got a caution for possession otherwise. Family members or not, word probably got out beyond her immediate circle and she was grassed up. Whoever did that is a right cunt.

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42 minutes ago, BilgePump said:

This whole two tier system is absolutely fucked, legit scripts shouldn't be out of the reach of normal people due to prohibitive pricing.


Good ol' blighty, get to fuck with yer outdated laws :thumbdown: 





It's another step on the road to the Tory goal of binning the NHS and bringing in an American-style 'healthcare' system based on profit :sadwalk:  Care for those that can afford it, everyone else can die in pain in the gutter.

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North Wales Police eh? Haven't changed much since we were pulled over because we stopped in a small (minded) shop to buy skins. Shopkeeper called the pigs who pulled us over and accused us of drug dealing and going equipped to rob. True story. Heddlu dictionary definition of cunts

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4 minutes ago, Larry Badgeley said:

North Wales Police eh? Haven't changed much since we were pulled over because we stopped in a small (minded) shop to buy skins. Shopkeeper called the pigs who pulled us over and accused us of drug dealing and going equipped to rob. True story. Heddlu dictionary definition of cunts



Sounds like the Ellesmere Port police, only time I've ever been arrested was when I was a teenager, my mate's band played a gig at a hotel there, fucking manager called the police cos we were smoking roll-ups and I got arrested cos my skin pack was ripped for roach, cunts kept me in the cells all night then kindly informed my school that I'd been arrested for drugs (neglecting to tell them that I hadn't actually been charged with anything).

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@Larry Badgeley Devon and Cornwall cuntstabulary operate in a similar fashion.


When I was a youth my mates and myself were constantly being stopped and searched for "going equipt" when in actual fact they were blatantly looking for our beloved soap bar lumps, 3 stop and searches in a week was my personal record, never found ort on us though thankfully.



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4 minutes ago, Boojum said:



Sounds like the Ellesmere Port police, only time I've ever been arrested was when I was a teenager, my mate's band played a gig at a hotel there, fucking manager called the police cos we were smoking roll-ups and I got arrested cos my skin pack was ripped for roach, cunts kept me in the cells all night then kindly informed my school that I'd been arrested for drugs (neglecting to tell them that I hadn't actually been charged with anything).


We stopped in Blaenau Ffestiniog ( I think, dark, depressing slate place) en route to Portmeirion. It would have been around 1991 ish

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My brush with the Ellesmere Port filth was in about 1988/89. I guess it was an attempt at the old 'scare them straight' nonsense (and clearly didn't work lol ).


lol Fucking Blaenau Ffestiniog, my dad (who was into trains, had a model railway in the loft but I was NEVER allowed up there as a kid cos it wasn't a toy, apparently :rolleyes: ) regularly dragged us there in the summer holidays cos of the railway :yawn: And it always rained, which made it look even more grey and grim lol



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