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Sibs Does Outdoors Lol


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I've finally got around to potting her up, even went to the extra expense of a BRAND NEW BUCKET  99p :smoke:


I even teased i say teased the rootball open :smoke:



it warms the cockles ov my heart when 99P

is enuff to keep sibs in the dirt lol lol

looking v good m8 keep it up

;) PGT

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  • 2 weeks later...

YUK! Dirt????

Sibs, I keep telling ya, NO RUDDY DIRT!


Must admit tho, she's a loverly looking bitch!

Babies in the clean-fingernail dept. look nice too :unsure:

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I maybe wrong and in this case i really really really really hope i am..............But it looks like i might have a little infestation starting.

So just to make sure and for a little experiment i'll be having a proper look in better light and if confirmed she's gonna get a wafting from my steam stripper.

Outside and not to close :flex: i dont wanna boil the plant just the uninvited guests lol

I'll post back later with the results, still hoping Dohped got it wrong but he's had enough experience of the borg to know :yinyang:

Sorry mate........ B)


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Bastard it looks like fecking Dohped was right after all i've found eggs under several leaves but not many so i'm hopeful :yinyang: it's been caught early.

For a while now i've been going on and on and on and on about trying steam to cook the little fuckers and the eggs as well.

So with out any ado out comes the wallpaper steam stripper, steamed borg anyone :guitar:

post-4687-1124964504.jpg post-4687-1124964527.jpg

First pic is before second is after the treatment, how i did this was.........

Used a cane to hold back the bits you cant see and steamed from about 12" away, turning the pot every minute or so.

Then after going around once i went around twice more, between each rotation i did the upper side of the plant again from about 12" away.

For a final blast i did a straight side on near the bottom so all the steam went into the plant and up through it, turning the pot continually.

I plan on repeating the process daily for 4 days then i'll have a good ole david bellemy moment and get in there.

Hopefully i've not damaged the plant but if you want someone else to try something you gotta be prepared to try it yourself.

Now IF this works, for those little unaccessable places theres those kitchen tile steamy things for a bit more precision :soap:



Edited by sibannac
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Interestring, to say the least Sibs.

A novel way of attack. Wish you well bud. Steamed Borg, Nice. I hope they die horribly. :guitar:

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whats wrong with bug killer sib? curious thats all! take care buddie,twinkle :cat:


It doesn't work (from what i've heard) unless you fancy going down the seriously toxic road.

I'm gonna give her one more blast today, i've had a good ole root about and theres no signs of the borg :D

BUT!!! i'll not state its worked until i've let someone else (Dohped) have a looksee, you know someone with more Borg experience lol

Hopefully Emb this just might work, and i cant see the Borg becoming immune to steam :)


Edited by sibannac
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bug killer is nasty shit for your plant too, buzz off will seriously damage a young plant, on the lower strength too :guitar:

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  • 9 months later...
Guest themadnun

Looking good, wish i'd thought of the steamer method, one of my plants got assimilated a few days ago :headpain: so i gave it to the rabbits :rofl:

hope you dont have any more trouble with those mites

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