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Rot Hash Festival

Erbman T

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Yes and we give them all the info they need via this website 


I too have thought about this stuff. Unfortunately as technology progresses, Guerrilla will mostly be a thing of the past. Something you tell stories about of what fun we use to have doing this crazy stuff 


I use to do some squatting. That was fun for a bit. Free range living. A loophole out of the Babylon shitstem. That’s pretty much gone, illegal apart from commercial properties.. I think that’s gone to now. Living in a van will soon be outlawed….


you won’t be allowed in the countryside anymore either as they ‘re-wild’ it and your electric car won’t allow you to drive there anymore. But the elite will look after it for you. All part of Agenda 2030 etc 


you will sit in your flat in the smart city while a drone delivers the latest mindfuck synthetic hybrid to keep you pacified and happy chilling in your VR bramble bush remembering the old days. Inna 4th industrial Revolution stylee


plenty to look forward to.

Im feeling positive. I think the sky rippers might spare me a few of their mouldy piss buds this season 



Edited by Erbman T
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Oh yeah not to mention facial recognition will be everywhere linked up to the social credit system.

The Chinese already have it advanced to the point that they can still know who you are even if you’ve got a mask on.

If ya cred score isn’t high enough your flat door won’t even be letting you out until you get those points up a bit 


that’s if you’ve not been wiped out by that point by the mandatory eugenics program 


The futures bright. Piss buds and piss hash and oil will be a luxury reserved for the few 


enjoy your season 



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Dawn visit 

thought I better go check on this plot.

Didn’t want to come visit here for another few days really.


But because the insect damage I saw last time on the Serious 7 thought I’d come down and bring some Neem. 

Glad I did cause the insects are now munching on the other baba’s a bit now toolarge.332B7749-2DBE-4CFB-B9DC-18E3B9889DE1.jpeglarge.3A51AABE-CD17-4464-905B-8D07019A4552.jpeglarge.3CFB27A8-9282-487B-B8B4-E64A85E22ED1.jpeglarge.76E3EDE5-28E8-4A19-A832-CFAF450998D3.jpeglarge.77DFBB6C-86A9-45EA-A68E-BA964536725A.jpeglarge.7C5B66A3-EA9C-49D7-B70C-9D36F225CB78.jpeglarge.7DF1F414-EAA7-4A45-BF76-77CF77B0F8B8.jpeglarge.BF9FC579-BD52-4BFB-A157-5E669048CDAF.jpeglarge.C30515B0-6BDF-4A9D-A0D1-BD3B52509015.jpeglarge.D5366BBE-0299-477E-9D5B-584BDF1DA04E.jpeglarge.F4A10B3F-2616-4519-8905-EBD3F4D6E263.jpeg
otherwise things are ok

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I’ve water cured rotten bud before. You need to change the water out a few times but the end result is smokeable bud. It just doesn’t taste great as the water takes all the terpenes out. THC is not water soluble so all that stays on the bud.

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On 13/07/2022 at 10:17 AM, Guerilla Blue said:

I’ve water cured rotten bud before. You need to change the water out a few times but the end result is smokeable bud. It just doesn’t taste great as the water takes all the terpenes out. THC is not water soluble so all that stays on the bud.

How did you ‘water cure’ ? 

yes indeed about the water soluble hence there must be a way to get the stuff out. I’m probably not going to bother try anything but still interesting 


id be interested to see what came out after having a load of butane put thru it 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fuk rotten bud.. not for me thats for sure..

The most simple answer to this is fuk the rotten bud in the bush and just grow more plants :yep:

Why make life hard and risk health.. get fuking fit i say and dig more holes lol

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