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I was having problems holding a steady humidity in my tent. In the early stages I wasn't getting a high enough RH and in the later stages my RH would be hard to bring down .. I'd be switching from humidifier to dehumidifier at different points of the grow and I couldn't work out what was happening or where i was going wrong..


After 2 grows of struggling to control my RH I had a bit of a stoner brainwave and realised my air exchange must be too high. Essentially not giving humidity a chance to form as the exhaust fan was constantly running. So I done a bit of research about how to combat the problem and after reading a few too many threads I took the knowledge I'd learned and applied it to my situation as best I could and tbh I've had great results.


What I did was completely remove dehumidifier/humidifier and my intake fan and I opened up the flaps at the bottom of the tent for passive intake. Connected a humidity controller to my extraction fan so that when the RH gets too high in there the controller switches the extraction on and brings it back down. 


Before my humidity issues I was running an intake fan on a speed controller 24/7 alongside my extraction fan on full power 24/7. I was also running either a dehumidifier or humidifier 24/7 and now the extraction comes on periodically so i have essentially cut my power consumption in half and my grow environment has improved. I'm 4 weeks into flowering at the mo with this new setup and everything is going well.



The main reason i'm writing this post is because it seems too good to be true and I'm wandering if any of you seasoned pro's can see any problems with my new setup? I'm keeping a close eye on my girls atm as i have decreased the air exchange inside the tent and I'm worried about bud rot potentially setting in but no signs of it yet. I was also worried about the lack of carbon dioxide but I open the tent daily to feed and let some fresh air inside and that seems to suffice




Any of you guys ever ran a setup with no air intake before? If so is there anything I should look out for? 









Edited by BasementBudz
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Just now, BasementBudz said:


Connected a humidity controller to my extraction fan so that when the RH gets too high in there the controller switches the extraction on and brings it back down. 



Hey BasementBudz


Passive intakes are fine,


Extract needs to run 24/7, plants need fresh air, maintains negative pressure for smell.


Use the one extract fan and turn it down with your WAC-1 





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Hey @Clumsy


Tbh I was considering switching to the other fan with the wac 1 soon as it is getting a bit smelly down there! I'm quite lucky and don't have to worry about smells too much but the mother is coming round at the weekend so probably a good idea to get that negative pressure back whilst she is around! 


When the exhaust fan is connected to the controller it usually comes on for five minutes ish then off for five minutes ish and will repeat that keeping the RH at constant 60/65%. I feel like this is OK for veg and it worked well for me but I agree with you that in flower I should probably have a constant extraction. 


Thanks for the help, 



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If you want to take this idea one step further to get even better results you should check out this thread here.



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just took a look at that thread you linked and as awesome and detailed as it is i don't have the WiFi controllers so doesn't apply to my situation unfortunately.


thanks for the advice tho! happy growing :)



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