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portable AC for the drying process


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does anyone have any experience with small portable ac units?

ive only a small room to cool down (kitchen, less than 10m2)

im drying in there but its too warm ~24c and the suns not out yet... I'd like to get it to around 19c if possible

I can make the r/h what I want it to be as I have a humidifier if req'd

im looking at something like this (cant post links)  electriQ EcoSilent 8000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner - for rooms up to 20 sqm

they have a dehumidifying option, which I dont want, I just want it to cool the room down

it my understanding that you have to vent the exhaust out of a window or such like, as the exhaust is hot air

(which they do a window adapter for, so you can have the window cracked open and still sealed, while venting the ac)

like I say, its only a small room. I'd be delighted to use the ac function only to cool the room down, and have it sit at 19c for around £300

are they any good?

what are the pro's and con's?





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I've used my portable AC unit to cool a room down at my old property. Done a great job in a little bedroom.


I had my plants hanging in the tent still with the extraction on a low setting. Without that you will have to worry about the smell being exhaust outside. Other than that it saved my harvest in the middle of the hot summer. Sadly it just ain't logistically practical atm at my current property.

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3 hours ago, mysticriver said:

what are the pro's and con's?

-They cool your room

-Loud and bulky and probably expensive to run

I bought mine for a similar purpose but it's just a bit too big. It gets used in summer now to cool my office + bedroom at night.
If I had more space though, I'd definitely run an AC unit to help with temps

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20 hours ago, Military Grade said:

worry about the smell being exhaust outside.

I dont have to worry about that, as the kitchen is at the back and there's doors in between that and the flat door, smells dont reach that far

plus I make sure there's no smell's lingering before I go out





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19 hours ago, mikeydoughnut said:

drying/curing fridge thing?

seen it and its a great idea, but it only fits about a corner (9-bar)

which is fine for say the choicest cuts, of a crop, but ive got 8 plants

and the weather is forecast to be "scorcheo" over the next few days

im biting the bullet in a few minutes, to get this - electriQ EcoSilent 8000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner - for rooms up to 20 sqm 

its 279£, plus a 25£ window adapter, where you vent the hot air

the only thing that might bother me is the air movement it creates.... but after its been going and got the temps down, it should run a bit less

if it can keep a small kitchen, ~7m2, with the cupboards n shit taking up a lot of that, cool, (19° would be champion), then im in

cos the temps anyway are in the terp-stripping league even right now its sat at ~25°... an there's more scorcheo comin'




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18 hours ago, SkyRider said:

Loud and bulky and probably expensive to run

this 1 im looking at, its only for small rooms electriQ EcoSilent 8000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner - 

and from the blurb they aren't insane to run




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id fit everyone in on 1 post and quote multiple people all-at-once, answer you all neat, but somethings happened and the quote function only works 1 time per post...




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Just now, mysticriver said:

the only thing that might bother me is the air movement it creates.

this and the fact that it dehumidifies the air as it gets cooled, I suppose I can adjust the r/h back up to 50/55% whatever with me humidifier?




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the 8000 btu portable ac unit is being delivered today 

ill let you know how it goes

if it can cool a room down, from the 25°C its is now, to about 19°C, in order to have a more favourable drying environment, then its all good

because I certainly do feel like its too warm right now and its drying the plant out too quick

ive increased the r/h to between 50 - 60%, which has made a v. small difference, the plant came down Thursday, its been 5 full days and it felt almost ready last night

the rest is coming down today and in the next few days so it will be interesting to see f there's any difference, using the ac

im skeptical




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I don't think you'll find too many issues with it getting down to 19C bud, just be careful with smells :yinyang:

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On 14/06/2022 at 0:28 PM, SkyRider said:

careful with smells

wow last night, I see a text that was sent about an hour previous - it was from prolly my only ally on the estate....

"fuck'n stinks outside ur kitchen"

 *instant panic ensues

luckily ive got some incense, which is now burning. not ideal, as the weed will prolly pick up some of the smell

but its better than there being a weed smell. went outside and I couldn't smell anything (before the incense) but I didn't trust my nose

yesterday when u said 'be careful with smells' I didn't click on what you meant. im a bit slow that way sometimes 








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Carbon filter is a must.


Second best and always good to have on hand - ono blocks. Order some now. If you have smells escaping and need to cover up, ono blocks do the job better than anything else I've tried. Read instructions on them (don't place them too close to your weed).

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Just now, SkyRider said:

Carbon filter is a must.

yes I do have a carbon filter in the tent, but this is the drying area with the portable ac

and the portable ac doesn't/cant have proper carbon filtering good enough for smells (that I know of)

will take a look at the ono blocks - thanks 




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2 minutes ago, SkyRider said:

better than anything else I've tried.

ive ordered the linen one and the neutral one, about a 10-spot each

would one be enough as to not need the incense, in your opinion?





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