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Wedding Glue through the Omicron Flu

Head Rose'n'Tail

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Soz Vinny mate, the first cut was the deepest, when it comes to being lucky, she's cursed.................. :)


Don't get me wrong, I still want you there by my side, just to help me dry the tears that I've cried and I'm sure gonna give you a try and if you want, I'll try to love again.............. :)


So fellow noodlers, I am slowly recovering from the traumatic events of the last post, many tears were shed over the last week but I managed to hold myself together to get a few pics, the week in pictures............


The space left after decapitation.......... :execute:



Tease a bud site over to the space....





3 weeks in......








End of stretch (I think!)............



Bud sites, sink bottom, swim top........




So, here we are, 3 weeks in flower and to be perfectly honest the box and lights have far exceeded my general optimism tbf. We must alter course at this point though, what started as a thread fighting a mutant flu is now turning into a thread seeing if we can get to April without Nuclear Armageddon. So fuck it, if we're all going to die, I'm gonna throw some cash at these fuckin' puppies right now........... :)


They need a boost, a bit va va voom' in their lives, leave it with me................. :)


(Hopefully) :) back next week 




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  • 2 weeks later...

lol@Clumsy, seems it's not that easy to throw some cash about nowadays.......... :)


Soz fellow noodlers, the prepping preparations have taken up a fair bit of time over here, the end is nigh though!! :)


4wks since flip........ Flores down to 2ml for tip burn











This weekend, nearly 5wks













Bud shots...............






We have also come to the conclusion that because of the 'hail mary' played earlier, a possible (certain) level of light leakage has been occuring for a while:( on top of the other skulduggery in play, it is turning into a really involved learning curve for the casual observers here:)




Supplies have begun arriving though ............... :)



A boost was required to bring a bit va va voom' to the party:)


A small scale NCBD shelter has also been erected on site for safety purposes & keeping dark periods............ dark:)


So thanks to @Gaijin's thread............. :yep:


I give you the Voost......... :) The VST120 is enough for our needs in the new shelter, it's only for a 2x2 so should kill it. Couple other members are running it and both had praise, so..............! Solid build and lengthened cable to have the option of having the driver remote too, manual dial control to power light from off all the way up to 100%, 301h led's, looks pretty fuckin' good tbh, 302mm X 215mm, proof will be in the pudding................ :)







The rabbit and guinea pig hutches have been a good smother for the small noise emanating from the box cupboard so far :), but the rabbits eye lids are beginning to stick together so now is the time......... :)


Airfiltration system is on route for shelter, next week should see us at full battle stations level where enemy attack can be expected most........ :)


Stay safe out there comrades :yep:














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  • 2 weeks later...

Somehow I missed this! So you went and bought a Voost! I hope it's worked out well for you, mate :D Don't keep us in suspense, how's it looking in there now? 

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20 minutes ago, Gaijin said:

Somehow I missed this! So you went and bought a Voost! I hope it's worked out well for you, mate :D Don't keep us in suspense, how's it looking in there now? 


We're not even sure it's plugged in at this point :D




Edited by Clumsy
Song for Rosie :)
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@Clumsy I hope he's ok. More likely, the light produced such stunning results that he's still sitting at the tent door staring into the light :D 


But seriously though, disappearing mid-diary; one hopes that all is well @Head Rose'n'Tail


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lol FFS @Gaijin lol



Will make this a longer one with more pictures for you bud, will keep you out from under the missus feet for a couple of minutes lol

So, what a couple of weeks eh? Reasons out with my control dictated the box remained till week 6, poor thumper! And as you do, during these times of uncertainty, I popped some more seeds :)


Is the light plugged in and ready to grow? It sure is fukkas :punk:




@Clumsy this light man! Fek me, no wonder you only run yours around 60/70 watts lol it upset the seedlings badly, heat stress caused a stretch, on top of abc not shedding it's shell, barbie skewers to the rescue!! It was either that or the ABC shat itself when the new Blackberry Gum rode into town :cowboy: nae baw bag in sight on this occasion :)






The house swap occured day 1 of wk7. What a feckin mistake lol the different heat and general environment of the tent on top of the 'hail mary' is making it rather difficult to keep them nourished lol resulting in several dryouts over the course of this week alone lol it's a learning curve, I'll get on top of it :)


Last pics of them before leaving the box..................




Into the shelter....................




After a wee defoliate........................




Not long to go now....................!! :)



'Swim' on left, 'Sink' on right


Also as this is the day of the clock going forward in the UK, now may be the best time to fess up to the fore mentioned 'hail mary'. :)


My clock has being going forward 4hrs daily during flower, yip, I've been fucking about with the 'circadian' in a pot noodle pot under 20watts of led in a cardboard box lol I'm surprised they made it this far :) 8hr days/12hr nights, in theory an 8 weeker finished in under 7 weeks and saving 33.3% of light leccy cost through flower. It's a WIP thingy :)


Oh, did I mention the light leakage thingy?..................... :(



They were there before they left the box, they are getting finished regardless as this is being used as an educational aid, nothing important around so we'll let them go and see where we end up :)




We've come a long way in a short time...............


What started as a single..



Has now morphed into a........



Waiting in the wings too............ lol




It's Good To Be Back............... lol


That's it for this time fellow noodlers. Next update they should be nearly done :yep:


'mon the trannies








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Welcome back lollol I must confess to being rather fucking mangled when I posted about your disappearance. I shall have the search called off :rofl: 


Lovely looking light you have there :yep:  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Did I say nearly done....... :)

:execute:  Time! :) 


The last post played in the distance....................... This has been a blast folks :) big thanks especially to @Seedstockers-Mark for putting all this together for us noodlers, not just this but all he does for the whole community, yer a diamond buddy :yep: obviously big thanks to @Joolz and his crew, busy crew recently :) my fellow noodlers and those voyeuristic followers, thank you, you have all made this possible, most welcoming you all were to a newbie. I think we have shown you can have fun whilst growing, @vince noir rock n roll star take a bow sir, your ball skills certainly took the PNC to a totally different level mate lol




So here we are fellow noodlers, early April, all good things and all that.................. :)


Over last couple weeks...........



was a false alarm :) turns out to be those late calyxes that look like middle fingers being stuck out from buds :)








The last two weeks have been challenging with the feeding :) and I'm sure I'm not the first complete fucking idiot to forget to turn the light back up after turning it down (more than once :) ) funny seeing the feed requirements changing with the different wattages!







They're done, been on water only last 4days, 8wks 2days on the calendar but they have had around 65 12hr dark periods (a few 12/12 were run around the 5wk mark and during nute changes)




Wee 'Sink' could've probably went another few days but no time to wait for that :)




They were never going to be big buds with the lumens alone but buds is watt they are :)



Off with the fan leaves..........






Might just put them in a couple of empty fag packets to dry lol


'Sink' top left, all the rest is 'Swim'




Threw everything I could at these genetics @Seedstockers-Mark but I couldn't break them mate :) , they just keep chugging along, even the runt lol

Will be back for short smoke report soon noodlers :yep:










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hold your head up with pride chap ..to get to the end of a pot noodle grow is certainly not for the weak hearted ..kudos for making it ..and now you can admit you did actually eat that noodle shit dint you ..they all say they dont ..but ..you know ...it takes a special kind of person to eat ,grow and finish anything with a pot noodle ..


well done chap .

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I did in fact have to eat all 4 pot noodles @vince noir rock n roll star not a pleasant experience as I'm sure you're aware :)


The pots will be kept though, I may be insane enough to try this ridiculous challenge again sometime!!! Hope you join us next time :yep:



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