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Wedding Glue through the Omicron Flu

Head Rose'n'Tail

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Hey everyone, bit late to the party here due to minor hiccups and storm Arwen, but here we are just in time for the next lockdown :(


Much appreciation to SeedStockers for their generosity and @Seedstockers-Mark for all the organisation, obviously @Joolz & the crew for hosting it (and if anybody reading this hasn't subbied yet, may l take this opportunity to encourage you to do so for Christmas, not only does it help to run the site that your hoovering up all this amazing info from, you also get quality free seeds + free seeds and if you mention my name to Joolz when you do, I get another opportunity in one of the fab comps run for subbies lol , UK420 is for lifetime not just for Christmas lol )


On with the show................





Beautiful package from SeedStockers, Wedding Glue AND Gorilla Cookies, thank you. Stickers, roaches, plant cards and my favourite, a physical seed catalogue :)




Fridged them for few days then popped 2 into shot glass of room temp water then left in warm (27°) airing cupboard overnight.






One sank, so they have been named, 'Sink' & 'Swim' :) straight into presoaked coco in party cups soaked with 3ml/l formulex, left cup is 'Sink' right cup is 'Swim'. Roughly sewn 10mm deep with coco teased back over. Cups in micro prop to save coco drying out the placed back in warm cupboard.






Thanks for popping in and remember mention me when subbing lol


Till next time


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Quick update............ Must say, very impressed with germination @Seedstockers-Mark, 48hrs after planting they popped up through the coco......




Over the next 12hrs up they shot, 'Swim' showing a bit gorilla strength lifting the coco...........




'Sink' threw her embryos out and they both rose like a pair of synchronised swimmers.........










72hrs after throwing the beans in the shot glass, they're up :yep:






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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy New Year fellow noodlers......


Couple of pics on progress of my little darlings over the holidays


First week, first leaves.....





Four days later...... wee 'Swim' drinks a wee bit more than her sister, probably due to less coco in the cup, so she was given an extra dipping to tide her over, dumb move :) wee bit canoodling going down now









Side by side



Four days on from that, were at the 2 week stage. Feed up'd to 7ml/l of formulex as leaves showing fade. Canoodling straightening out but has retarded growth a touch, few more days and we should be ready to pot up. Still undecided on using coco, Clover or 60/40, decisions decisions. Trichs showing on 'Swim' already :)



Till next week noodlers :yep:



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@Potprincess your broodiness will be satisfied when your wee package arrives from Barca soon, santa brought me little PP's, they're beautiful, he also came with some ABC's and M+C's too :) Feliz Navidad


You must be standing there ready to chop clippers in hand just now, no? :) congratulations on your first grow, you done brilliant :yep:




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@Head Rose'n'Tail That package can’t come quick enough. Although we do have a pack of sour diesel and white widow.

Wow, I bet it was a merry Christmas with them seeds turning up!! 

lol Yea everyday is tempting to harvest her! Her time is up in a few days. Aww thank you for your kind words! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey @Clumsy ma man, hope your well. Sssshh...... The Pot is in The Pot, in more ways than one lol


Sorry for the irregular updates fellow Noodlers, mad busy with work at the mo, have been capturing a few pics along the way tho, slow going ('cos of me :) ) but we've turned the corner and appear to be motoring on.


Had to take a week away from this place too, it's far too addictive :) but was relieved to see on my return that sods law lives and breathes in the subbie seed section here too...... :)


So more on the glue thru the flu.........


I fucked up. The canoodling and slowing growth was my fault, hadn't made the drainage holes big enough on the party cups, doh!!


Not happy roots for the pot up...................








We have decided to go full Clover and base nutes only, no PH measuring, no EC measuring, no PAR mapping, fuck all, just water with a few nutes thrown into a bit of peat lol I'm not thinking outside the box. Just the simple Box, Basic, Bonsai's :)



My little soggy toed darlings in there new, freshly clovered Pot Noodle, awwwww........




As the coco was still saturated and the Clover was fresh and still moist I never bothered watering them in initially, not wanting to drown them, again!! Gauged the weight of the pot over the next day or so and even better I could see the Clover changing colour as it lost its moisture, I then gently bedded them in.


A week after potting up, they look a lot happier and are finally starting to grow!! Amazing what can happen if you don't drown something innit!









My seedling heaven, winter wonderland I hear you ask. @McHazy will like this....... 2 I think 15w es led's, a £2 fan from poundland, a garden thermometer and a humidity/temp display. £5.99 for the two pack of bulbs and a couple of quid for the other things, so less than a tenner lol the box came with a flower delivery requesting that you recycle the box and they are sitting on top of an old modem, very technical :)



Pretty plain sailing from then to now really, lost maybe a week's worth of growth due to the drainage hole size, also dropped 'sink' on her head one time but propped her up with a Barbie skewer for a few days after which she straightened up again :) she is a bit retarded though, although I hasten to add I did notice this before I dropped her on her head so I am in no way whatsoever taking any credit for my butter fingered fumbling being the causation , she's not dividing fast enough, the fan stems aren't growing long/fast enough to allow the new set of leaves to clear the prior fan leaves, stunting the height growth and the internode spacing, thought she might grow out of it but it persists, gonna top her to try and seperate the growing tips and see if that helps.


3 days after the last pic I had to open up the front patio for space :)










Two days later were at the 4wk stage since they broke soil, not bad considering the poor start I gave them.







'Sink' retarded






That was a quick month! 


So don't say nowt @Clumsy but The Pot in The Pot is currently holding The Pot lol


Till next time noodlers


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Hey @vince noir rock n roll star, welcome to my box of tricks. I don't know why im shittin myself now :) wait till I tell the girls vince noir rock n roll star champion Pot Noodler has been peeking. They will fuckin' die man.................






Hey girls your not gonna believe who's been peeking.........





Then it happened, it was immediate, right there, right in front of eyes......................... Girls... Girls......... Girls..........






They fainted..........








That's some effect to have on the ladies man, should come with a health warning lol I don't know whether to use Epsom salt or smelling salts to bring them back tbh lol



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Fuck, there was me playing Roxy Musics greatest hits on loop for the last 24hrs, tearing up that much they won't need watered for a week.



And YOU..... YOU.... you come in here shaking your scrotum about like some back to front Elvis. Have a heart man!












It's was like watching Marty McFly when his parents kissed in Back To The Future, one step at a time but I could see them keeking up at your Scroza, gently gently they gathered themselves, obviously still a bit embarrassed at the initial keeling over, dehydration yada yada yada.....


Now that is impressive mate, if you don't learn me fuck all growing in a pot noodle cup during this afterwards could you learn me how to do that with ma baws please, useful trick that one bud. Fuckin' Super Scrotum eh?




It worked


Da..... Daaa




Arms open wide, I swear I'm sure I can hear a very faint "Vinnnney" if I put my ear close enough lol




So, here we are at the 5wk stage fellow noodlers, nute change last week, the 7ml mix of Formulex got finished then we nipped down the local shop for some canna, straight in with the Vega at 3.5ml, they like it :) this is them after a week on canna













Group hug :hug:



Thanks folks, will be back shortly, I'm just going to nip up the shops for one of those baw bag shaver thingys I hear all the young uns on about. Any recommendations @vince noir rock n roll starlol


Back soon :yep:



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