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Have I ruined em?


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Hung some bud up to dry on Friday and it's crispy on the outside already. This can't be good surely? They're hung in a small 3 x 2 x 3 tent with 4" inline fan and carbon filter for extraction and I've had a small clip fan on too (Not pointing at the buds. Pointing towards the floor). I've just turned this off though as I'm abit paranoid there's been too much air movement in such a small space hense why they are drying too quick. The stems are still fairly moist though.


Temps are 19 - 21c and humidity around 50% controlled by a dehumidifier just outside the small tent. 


Please give me some good news folks. This is only my 3rd go at it so still learning. Any help appreciated 

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2 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

Probably a bit fast, but if you can slow the last bit down you'll get away with it. Reset the dehumidifier to 60%. 


Thanks for the quick tip didn't think of that. Also turned down the extractor fan by around 40% aswell. Fingers crossed.


I've got some boveda 62% humidity packs somewhere will these help during cure if they are too dry??

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I'd not be too bothered about it as there will still be a deal of moisture in the heart of the buds and this can 'repopulate' the outer parts when curing. Just slow down the drying from here on in.

I grow outdoors and initially dry the plants as hung sticks pegged to strings in my garage with a fan heater set really low directed at them. I tend not to trim the sugar leaves off too much as I find them a useful replacement for tobacco in blunts. Once the sugar leaves are dry (but the bud centres still wet), which can take 3-4 days, I stick the stuff in brown paper bags for up to two weeks and then once I gauge they are nearly dry trim them, getting rid of the sticks, and put them in sealed jars for 2-3 weeks, exchanging the air every day. Despite the initial drying out with the fan heater (which I do to avoid rot) the stuff comes out very smokable and each strain with its own distinct flavours, strength and smell.

Edited by MC2
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Yeah get the fan as slow as possible while maintaining negative pressure. The Bovedas will help but it's much better to just not let them get too dry in the first place, which tbf it doesn't sound like you have just yet, quite a lot of people dry a bit fast to begin with to reduce the risk of mould and then slow down for the last half.


If you're worried fill a jar with some buds and stick a hygrometer in with them, after a few hours you'll know how far they've come, hopefully it's still high 60s and your all good.


E2A paper bagging them will also slow down the drying process..

Edited by MindSoup
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Just realised I havnt turned the radiator off behind the dry tent....rookie mistake. Checked the thermos app and it's been getting to 25c every day for an hour or so ffssss

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47 minutes ago, le0n.v6 said:

Just realised I havnt turned the radiator off behind the dry tent....rookie mistake. Checked the thermos app and it's been getting to 25c every day for an hour or so ffssss


ooof. unlucky mate.


we live and learn..

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50-55% for the first few days is fine, gets you past mould danger zone so don't worry too much. The 25C will lose you some terps but if you can keep it down from now on and keep the humidity at 60% I reckon it will still be a nice smoke. You want to slowly wick the moisture out over the next 10 days if you can and the higher RH will let you do that.

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1 hour ago, kronic420 said:

Turn the dehumidifier off 

:music: This!!


The dehumidifier will suck the moisture out of your buds. You need to aim for 16-18c temp and have your extraction on low. You are aiming for a 10day dry minimum 14-21 days is optimum ime. Keep an eye on the humidity but unless it’s getting to 70-80 and staying there it’s not much of an issue. 


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5 hours ago, le0n.v6 said:

The stems are still fairly moist though.

Then these nothing to worry about yet:yep:


Like said about after the first two days you wanna let the humidity go from 50-55% to 60% and temps between 16-19c.

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Thanks all for the advice


I jarred up an oz off the stem and it went upto 70% within an hour or so. So stuck that back in the drying rack.


Also turned off dehumidifier. Wasn't aware that it would suck moisture out the buds themselves just thought it took excess moisture that was already in the air. 


Either way the RH doesn't seem to be doing too bad without it at the mo, it was sat at 62% last time I checked. 



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Sounds like your doing fine mate. I personally would say if the dehumidifier is outside the tent and just keeping the house/room at 60% that would actually be a good thing, for people like me at least, my flat can get to 80% sometimes and thats too wet to dry anything. If the dehumidifier was inside the tent it would be a totally different story. 

Edited by MindSoup
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@MindSoup that's what I'm doing with a dehumidifier.


I've got 4 plants hanging inside 2x4 and using infinity 6 as my exhaust. It's set at speed 9 and the tent sides are being sucked in. The temp is around 19 and humidty is at 57% and I've a dehumidifier sitting at the opposite end of the room taking moisture out the air, I turn this off and the reading on the controller 67 shoots up above 70%


it's my first time harvesting smoke on my own so I hope I'm doing the right thing. 


I dont even know how to slow things down and 3 days in some buds getting crispy to touch but stems aren't even crackling, I've a big oscalating fan on the floor blowing on the corner of the tent so I think I've decent air movement 

Edited by Darknight420710
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It's always a bit scary first time, the reality is the fact you're even trying to do a good job mean you will likely end up with a better cure than 90% of street weed anyway. That guy in the video explains the process better than me, although he's in a low humidity part of the world so a few things might be different. 

Edited by MindSoup
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