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Drying in the fridge/Lotus cure?


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Drying in a frost free fridge... anyone tried it?


Apparently it preserves certain terpenes that will always get lost with the standard 60rh/60f hang dry/cure.  Particularly myrcene.


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Interesting Idea, did cross my mind in the summer, fridges do dry stuff out pretty quickly though, might try it with a bit of my next crop and see what happens. 

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My hygrometer has three separate temp/RH sensors.  I threw one of them in my fridge this morning and I've been keeping an eye on the reading.  It sits around 60-62%, jumping up to the high 60's whenever I open it to grab a can, then settling again shortly after.  Temp is sitting around 6-8c, as you'd expect.


Seems pretty ideal actually.  I don't love the idea of cutting up the buds before drying, but the main reason we hang the whole plant is to slow the dry right? And a constant environment of 60%/6c is gonna give a nice slow dry regardless I'd imagine.


The guides I've been reading recommend bagging the buds up into paper bags (not piled up, just spread flat) and loosely sealing them to slow the dry even further.



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No harm trying it out, but be aware 60%/6c is significantly drier than 60%/16c. 

RH measures water vapour in the air as a percentage of the maximum possible for that temperature. As the temperature decreases, so does the amount of water vapour the air can hold.

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This will be a speed dry.  When I make chips I steam the spuds first then put them in the fridge, removes loads of moisture so you get a crunchy chip exterior. 

I wouldn't try it with loads, try a branch, I reckon it'll be super fast though, kinda the opposite of what you want. Could be a good shout for trying early samples though, if you like chlorophyll. 

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A fridge will dehydrate weed lickedy splick far too fast. No good.


Funnily enough a friend was talking about what is essentially a wine cooler with a humidifier on stat. So weed is dried at 50-60rh and 16-18 C


Like a humidor but for weed 



Not cheap but he's DIY'ing one. No doubt he will be along in due course to show you his contraption.


Great idea but I'd need a rather large wine cooler I reckon lol


Edit: https://www.cannatrols.com/ is a brand that makes them

If spam please remove, apologies

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Yeah if it's maintaining a specific humidity it's going to be like running a dehumidifier, on second thoughts its probably not a good idea. 

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@blackpoolbouncer just had a quick look, they do large chambers too, so if you've got the room...lol 


quote from site:

The Cannatrol™ DC Kits are self contained chambers that can be built onsite quickly. The smallest unit (DC4) can process up to 180 pounds of fresh buds with a dry yield of approximately 36 pounds.


edit: yeah, they’re not cheap.

Edited by Tegridy Farms
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I see a lot of Americans using food de-hydrators , I looked into that once, they're only cheap now 


Edited by HazyDaze
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  • 2 weeks later...

@blackpoolbouncer thats some rent at $1600 plus shipping, but really it looks like nothing more than a fridge with a control for temp humidity and stops it ever reaching dew point by looks of it, wonder if there's something similar in Europe for a different product, but same thing. 

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35 minutes ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

If you look on the website you can actually see they ARE converted wine coolers lol

Haha, you should've see the look on my mrs face as I was checking her wine cooler over lol

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On 05/10/2021 at 7:37 PM, HazyDaze said:

I see a lot of Americans using food de-hydrators , I looked into that once, they're only cheap now 



yeah man loads of people use them in the states, very common, I've been looking for a while too, i’m close to alot of water and ive got a shit house, its ridiculously damp at mine and drying can be very up and down..

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