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Solar panels


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My brain's melting with numbers and conversions, not my thing lol 

I'm trying to work out what type/size/power output of solar panels I'd need to run to power an EC, approx 1000m3h, extractor fan from the greenhouse.  

Maybe a few circulation fans and a bunch of heat mats too.

The solar system would need to be capable of storing enough energy to run round the clock, if this is even possible. 



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You need to start by work out exactly how much juice you need for everything all together. 


And go from there.  


Depending how much that is you may need a fairly substantial battery bank to get you through the dark hours. And in winter in the UK, I'm not even sure daylight hours/intensity will be sufficient to both run the equipment and sufficiently charge the batteries for the longer dark hours.. At least not with the amount of panels you can fit on an average sized shed...


Loads of unknown variables to give any sort of accurate answer I'm afraid.  


Work out how many kWh you need first :yep:

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I can't help you with precise information but I can tell you that my narrowboat has 200w worth of solar panels and happily runs my phone / laptop / and a TV (from a pure sine wave inverter.... Which was a great investment).... BUT does struggle a bit from now to march due to lack of sunlight. I do however also have a small deisel generator I can use to give the batteries a boost when required so this might be something worth considering too. 

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Have a look on

secondlifestorage .com, quite a few solar users on there 

Or endlessphere but that's more diy electric vehicles but there is a few posts about solar 

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