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How to hang and fan and filter vertically


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Setting up my garage shortly. I have a very large / long heavy 6 inch rhino pro filter that I ordered by mistake that needs hanging. I normally use bungee cords when using a smaller filter. But this filter is brand new and seems a waste to just throw it. (Even tho rhino are wazz)

It's to long to hang horizontal with the fan connected and I want to keep ducting straight so is there something I can buy to strap it to the side ? It's very heavy. 

I have a large heat mat on the floor so ideally want to get it a meter off the ground if I can.

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Blow through it? and have it on the floor? 


This is what I do and have pre box filter, maximize tent space too. 


Edited by growinggold
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That's a option , I'm building a kingspan /MDF walls and had hoped to keep it all inside to reduce sound.im tight on kingspan too so no spare to build another box.

Got a joined garage and neighbors close by. 

If worse comes to worse I will just buy a decent filter just seemed a waste to throw this massive one away 


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I run an 80x80x160cm tent so 6" rvk is seriously to much for it. So I have the rvk on expelair wac1 controller set on setting 1 of 5. This way it's slowed down I still get negative pressure and the sound is minimal... Plus of the shed get really hot one day I've got option to turn it right up. 

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U can see the wac 1 on wall behind the dehumidifier. U will need a dehumidifier of you run this config as I am expelling the humid grow spare in shed Ans could cause mold / more humid especially when cold out. 

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30 minutes ago, growinggold said:

I run an 80x80x160cm tent so 6" rvk is seriously to much for it. So I have the rvk on expelair wac1 controller set on setting 1 of 5. This way it's slowed down I still get negative pressure and the sound is minimal... Plus of the shed get really hot one day I've got option to turn it right up. 

I have a AC Infinity with controller so sorted in that department. Only running autos so planning on 24/7 light along with the heat mat should hopefully keep temps fairly consistent.

I was planning on using my 1m bud box but may just use the dr60 again to keep extraction down. 

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I got a budbox 75 with a 150L 6" RVK and same size filter but have mine setup like this pic but this was my old dr60 tent.


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Some heavy duty (or metal) cable ties going round the circumference with a few more as little loops then hang it off some cross bars. 

Edited by MindSoup
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Just now, kronic420 said:

If you do blow through it make sure you take the pre filter from the outside and fit it to inside.

Just finished a grow and been blowing into a filter.had some smell leaks which I put down to maybe a crack in the connections.

The white fluffy stuff do you mean? Should that be inside the filter if I'm blowing into it ? 

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Its a pre filter stops dust clogging the CF and fan, like in @growinggolds picture 


actually I think he did mean the white sleeve that normally goes round the outside, I guess that would work. 



Edited by MindSoup
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@Jack? @MindSoupyes the white filter sleeve that goes around the outside you should try to fit it inside the filter best you can when blowing though it to catch all the dust so it doesn’t clog the carbon up , you see how dirty they get when sucking through a filter you don’t want all that crap inside the filter.


I have blown through filters myself in the past and it worked well , strangely enough rhino recommend not blowing through there filters for some reason but as I said I have done it before with no issue.

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