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Keeping a mother plant in veg

Roofless won

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Hi people, everything I read basically says once you switch to a 12/12 lighting schedule you must not let any light into your tent - even for a few seconds - because you will risk your plants reverting to veg........


So if I want to keep a small mother plant through the winter but don't want to keep it lit 24/7 do I simply have to set a timer to turn a light on at say 1am for 15 minutes?


Thanks for reading

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You keep the light on for 16-18 hours a day if going for 16 hours watch her carefully make sure she don’t start flowering or you can do 12 hours light 5  and 1/2 hours dark 1 hour light and 5 and 1/2 hours dark again , basically one hour of light in the 12 hour dark period , I can’t remember the name of this method and have never tried it myself but apparently it works. 

as for letting the plant get a few second of light when flowering this definitely won’t make a plant re veg 

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Just put a low powered cfl on for 18 hours. 

Hours here and there are no good. 


What does a 22w cfl cost to run 18 hours a day, seriously.

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So a 22w cfl will be less than 0.2 pence an hour


5p a day and were wanting to run gas lantern lol

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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1 hour ago, the ferret said:

i got a 250w cfl and they recon less than 2 pence an hour

Nearly 4p/hr at 15p/Kwh

Edited by catweazle1
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1 hour ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

So a 22w cfl will be less than 0.2 pence an hour


5p a day and were wanting to run gas lantern lol

Sorry I probably should have provided more details - this won't be in a tent - I'm hoping to simply keep her in a sunny spot on a window sill. So during the day she will receive sunlight plus any lighting used in the room but obviously this won't be enough to stop her doing what comes naturally so I was thinking of depriving her of a good night's sleep by setting a timer to blind her with an led every few hours which will doubtless piss her off but hopefully keep her in veg

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Guest Donnyronny
1 hour ago, Roofless won said:

Sorry I probably should have provided more details - this won't be in a tent - I'm hoping to simply keep her in a sunny spot on a window sill. So during the day she will receive sunlight plus any lighting used in the room but obviously this won't be enough to stop her doing what comes naturally so I was thinking of depriving her of a good night's sleep by setting a timer to blind her with an led every few hours which will doubtless piss her off but hopefully keep her in veg

there’s nothing more discreet than a ganja plant on a windowsill with a led light illuminating it at several times during the night. 

Put a lava lamp in the window and play Bob Marley at the same time mate on a loop :mellow:


taking the piss aside - get a tiny tent and a 22w bulb, plants grown on windowsills don’t fair well for obvious reasons, the led light will just stress it out and in winter it will  just die anyway with the cold.  


Edited by Donnyronny
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39 minutes ago, Donnyronny said:

there’s nothing more discreet than a ganja plant on a windowsill with a led light illuminating it at several times during the night. 

Put a lava lamp in the window and play Bob Marley at the same time mate.


taking the piss aside - get a tiny tent and a 22w bulb, plants grown on windowsills don’t fair well for obvious reasons, the led light will just stress it out, in winter it will probably just die anyway with the cold.  


The windowsill in question is an attic bedroom - it's not overlooked. I started all of this season's plants on a trellis in that window as well as my tomatoes, courgettes etc. I hatched my first auto at the end of January this year and for most of Feb and Mar any plants in the space received supplemental light from a couple of 15w Sansi growlights. I use the room as an office so it's not unusual for the lights in that room to be on for only an hour or two at odd times of the day. Lights on for an hour at midnight and again for hour at 6am wouldn't be particularly unusual.

I started my first photo around the end of January too with the intention of taking clones but it grew slowly and it was ages before I was able to take clones hence why I want to over winter a mother.


Sadly I don't have a lava lamp.


I don't heat that space often but as it's in the roof and well insulated it rarely goes below 15°c. All the plants that were in there from January grew albeit slowly and there was no noticeable smell. My wife only discovered my new hobby in May when I stupidly engaged her in conversation next to the greenhouse - she doesn't use the office much......

This is one of this year's clones from the mother started in February, photo was taken a week or so ago, as you can see she's not very big....


Edited by Roofless won
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On 25/08/2021 at 5:15 PM, blackpoolbouncer said:

So a 22w cfl will be less than 0.2 pence an hour


5p a day and were wanting to run gas lantern lol

only going by what the shop said on line before i bought it. 




Edited by Owderb
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dont believe everything the bloke in the grow shop tells you.

if im honest , in my past experience with them, well over half of them dont have a clue what they are talking about.....

Edited by badbillybob
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On 25/08/2021 at 1:34 PM, kronic420 said:


as for letting the plant get a few second of light when flowering this definitely won’t make a plant re veg 

It might make it hermie though imho:yinyang:

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