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Tiny Budget Veg/Mum Room build.


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Hello Chums 


I've decided I want to convert my old grow box into a little Veg/Mum space as I'm investing in some good genetics and want to be able to hold on to a few keepers. 


The space is 35x55x75cm, which I did 2 full grows in before getting my little 60x60x120 tent. 


I already have a wee Blauberg Ducto 100 fan, and even an old CF, just in case there's a few wiffs, so extraction is more or less sorted. I'll be mounting them both on the outside of the space like I did before.


I'm after some advice on lighting and heating and layout.


1. I'm thinking CFL or maybe some cheap LED Downlights, how many watts of each would I need for keeping mums and rooting out clones/ vegging them a bit. 


2 Temperatures, I'm guessing I don't really want a heat matt under rooting clones, and to keep temps on the lower side of the 20s? What would you use to heat such a small space? I did think maybe a heat matt with a bit of an air gap between it and the clones paired with good airflow might stop them getting too cooked. It will also be in the same alcove as my tent and shut behind a curtain so maybe the ambient heat will be enough. Definitely keen for some ideas on this one. 


3. Layout. How small a pot can I keep a bonsai mum in? I want to be able to root out 2-3 3L (18cm diameter) pots at a time which will then be transferred to the flower room SOG. I'm thinking 3x3L down one side which would leave me about 55cmx17cm left for mums, i dare say was hoping a 2.5/2L each would be enough root space for the mums.


So that's my initial idea, definitely keen for some input and suggestions for cheap AF equipment. 

Edited by MindSoup
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I have two 28w 2D fluorescent lamps in my mother cab, I used CFLs before that but I think the 2D type spread the light out better. The way I see it is you want them growing as slowly as possible most of the time so you want the least light you can get away with without them stretching.


I don't give temps any consideration, the worst that will happen if they get a little cool is they'll slow down which isn't an issue most of the time. It's in the corner of my bedroom though so it doesn't get that cold ever. Ventilation is just a couple of PC fans, they don't need much.


They're in 10x10x12cm pots which I think are only 1L.

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That's pretty close to what I was imagining, and shouldn't cost more than what I can find down the back of the sofa. I'll have a good swat up on Ot1s guide, I found it a bit confusing last time I read it, probably too stoned lol

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