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How many air stones in an 8-pot R-DWC?

Rural Buddha

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I'm in the process of upgrading my grow system. After a bit of research I've decided to go for an 8-pot IWS R-DWC Pro Undercurrent system.


I'll need air stones. I'm thinking of getting an Hailea 9630 air pump kit with 8 x 2" ball stones. I then wondered if should I get 2 off 9610 pump kits (with 4 air stones each) I then have redundancy if a pump should fail.


Q. Does each pot need an air stone or would every other pot be enough anyway?


There will be more questions for which I'll make separate threads :)


I've looked at a lot of threads here already, I'll tag in @badbillybob and @zen-ken at this point as they're active(?) DWC growers and have answered a lot of us newbies (and old hand's) DWC questions. I've ordered some Tribus @zen-ken :eek:


I was unable to find a grow diary that used an R-DWC system - a search for 'DWC' in the diary section gave me 0 results, if there is one or more could someone point it/them out to me please.

I'll start an LED R-DWC grow diary when I have parts to start the set-up properly - got a 'new' tent and new LED already though they remain dark.


Thanks now and later :)

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also 9630 air pump isnt gonna cut it, its only 16 litres,  look at the ACO 9730 its 60litres, much better, more bubbles = more dissolved oxygen = bigger plants.

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Thanks for the swift responses guys


I've ordered the IWS system from my local hydro store (I like to support local enterprises if possible), the guy might be amenable to change if I ask nicely (and possibly pay a fine). I looked at several of the R-DWC systems and the IWS one fitted my budget of around £500. If I can change my order, what would you suggest as an alternative 6 or 8 pot setup @badbillybob? My new* tent is a BudBox 120 series, 1.2 x 2.4 x 2.2 with white interior. Got a Scopex 960 and a Maxibright 200w LEDs.


I've not ordered the air pump or stones yet so I can change to your suggested ACO 9730 one.


@Punta Roja - I considered a DIY system - read through the builds on here plus others elsewhere - yours is beautiful but I can't be arsed to build one and took the easier route.


* Virtually new, used twice, got it half price.

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i would build one to be honest, i reckon 300 would cover everything except a chiller.


the iws one has small pipes between the pots and these can block, with something as simple as a loose bit of hydroton.

i would definitely be using a chiller though.

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Thanks again billybob - like I say, I pussied out of making one. I'm a bit feak and weeble :med: , reasonably smart but with a VERY low tolerance of anything that becomes difficult - stuff gets broken sometimes.


I think the Pro version (or maybe just an updated version) has larger pipe, 25mm rather than the 13mm pipe on some other kits - a screen grab from a video about putting the Pro system together below. Hopefully less chance of a blockage.


Yep, got to have a chiller - new thread for that soon :)


I'll pull all the advice I receive in my Q&A threads in to a grow diary - possibly using some subbie seeds.



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If you have not run a hydroponic system before, my advice would be grow some plants in coco as a back up or try a dwc bucket or two. I certainly would not put all my eggs in the one basket.

Either way best of luck with your plans.


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Good advice @tokenroll - I have 4 girls from my aborted RGS outdoor grow comp. - http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?/topic/417819-rural-buddhas-amazing-adventure-in-the-maize/&do=findComment&comment=5572925


They are in my 1x1x2 tent under a 200W Maxibright at the moment so I've no hurry to get the R-DWC system up and running.


The R-DWC setup will be a challenge but there's got to be a first time for everything :) I'm reading up on the whole process and will probably start threads on a anything where I see conflicting advice, or to see if there are new or updated techniques for whatever.


I plan to set up a Raspberry Pi with temperature sensors with email alarms, audible ones too maybe, if things are going out of range.

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Build it yourself .....those pipes are not big enough imo for eight pots to equal out properly....Id want at least 63mm or above pipe.

The amount of air would depend on how much water the system holds......Venturi or/and air stones and waterfalls are all viable options.




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Thanks for looking in @zen-ken - I considered doing a DIY build having seen what @badbillybob and Punta Roja have created but decided I'd probably still be thinking about it at Christmas, so went for the off the shelf option. Even though I have an 8-pot system waiting for me at my local hydro shop I may well set it up as a 4-pot first, then I'd only be risking 4 plants if I get things wrong. We'll see if 25mm is enough to equalise 4 pots, there might be the possibility to upsize the pipework to 63/50 if 8 was too many for 25mm.


I've just read through @Punta Roja's DIY R-DWC thread again, plenty of useful info in there as well as the 'interesting' times when leaks happened, etc. I hope I won't be doing any contortions trying to do up weeping connections :(


'Weeping' reminds me of The Tiger Lillies - The Weeping Chandelier - find it on YT but for goodness sake DO NOT play Piss on Your Grave, Banging in the Nails, Bad, Mary, or quite a lot of Tiger Lillies songs! The whole of The Gorey End 'album' is pretty good and not too controversial :)

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