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Whole garage grow room rebuild design


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I did consider a louver for the vertical tiled part, or maybe a big vent tile but ducting may obstruct the garage door, I could always build a box section on my garage roof and felt it if anything needs hiding, I'm just after some decent ideas..

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If youve had the flue up for 3yrs,passified a nosy neighbour...

Surely your on easy street with it.

Going through all thd hastle of relicating and redesigning another extract point seems a waste of tjme and money when the only issue with the existing one is with you.?

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18 minutes ago, Leafneck said:

My old neighbour did ask what my flue was for


I've got one of these living opposite, nosy fucking parker. Wants to know more than I'm prepared to divulge, probably driving him nuts...good!!

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20vt stu, I really think it would be worth it.. I want to do a v.2 of my grow room so I want to upgrade the flaws the 1st room had.. 


That flue was noisy, visible, restrictive and kept me up at night sometimes, I'd happily spend £80 to change it. 


Hey stu914, he really isn't a bad neighbour tbh just a little friendly sometimes and he loves his garden so he always catches me for a chat when I'm getting out my work van lol

But 1 strangers attention towards my extraction is 1 more than I want 


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@stu914 That does make sense mate.

I have to say, my initial brain response to "why not just split up the room instead of buying tents", was, "Jesus, think of the expense, man!!". But now that I think about it, the £400+ I'm about to spend on two Budbox Pros would probably cover all the materials that I would need to box out two sections of the room and insulate them. You could really go to town on the insulation. I'm thinking the environment would be much easier to control in an over-insulated space, rather than a tent with an extra special 2mm thick wall lol 


Is the "professional tent white lining that's an extra £30" just a sales pitch? Would I be missing out on anything if I used a simple white gloss interior paint? 


I need to find a few posts on here that include blueprints lol 


Thanks for your advice mate :yep: much appreciated

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3 hours ago, Tommytopper said:

ive just built my mate a garage groom a room within a room 5m x 3m 4x2 studs, 19mm osb, 100mm loft insulation for the walls, 200mm loft insulation laid on the roof I’ll see if he’ll let me take some photos and al post them 



Hello mate. I'd definitely be interested in any pics you can provide. This thread has magically turned me from tents to planning a room build of my own lol 

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4 hours ago, Gaijin said:

white gloss interior paint?


Go for matt white bud, gloss reflects hot spots and has the potential to burn the plants.

If you have a look at my 'shed build' thread it might help.



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1 hour ago, stu914 said:


Go for matt white bud, gloss reflects hot spots and has the potential to burn the plants.

If you have a look at my 'shed build' thread it might help.




matt white, noted :) 


Next question, how do I find "your shed build"? I've been referred to peoples' builds and grows before, but have yet to work out how to find them lol 

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