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Had a browse online found a method on the RQS website. I have about 1/2 Oz of crap that's no good for vaping so gonna have a go at some shatter. 

What is the best stuff to use? I carnt seem to find any grain alcohol? Maybe I'm being simple. ISO no good to use? If someone could tell me exactly what I need to search/buy in terms of alcohol that would be great .

I'm planning on dissolving the shatter in some MCT oil after , maybe 10ml for a couple of GS shatter? How's best to dissolve and how do you decarb shatter ? Same as weed? 120c for 30mins ? 

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I thought people used Iso, although I only found out a few months ago what shatter was so don't take my word for it.


If you're looking for grain alcohol then there is Everclear or Spirytus Duch Puszczy, which is available online or the Spirytus should be available in Polish shops. Other than that you could try liquid essences, they do food grade very cheap. 


Like i say find out which you need first, Iso is a piece of piss to get. 

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Grain alcohol is basically food grade ethanol @Jack?


Thats to make RSO, I thought shatter was basically honey oil where you use gas


I have used Naptha for RSO a few times and theres a few solvents you can use but ethanol is natures solvent, made by plants for plants or so they say lol



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I use Spirytus Duch Puszczy to make RSO and it works like a charm - its expensive but you dont need much I used about 100ml with an oz of trim and made enough RSO to keep high all week.

I have also heard an old wives tale that if you freeze cheap vodka the water will freeze but not the alcohol so you can just pour out the neat booze and use that .. never tried it though

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Qwiso by definition is quick wash isopropanol. Not grain alcohol.


Please don't take offence but can I suggest you do a lot more research. Using solvents can be highly dangerous and the queries you are raising suggest you need to research more.

Gray wolf has lots of info.


But tbh, if it no good for vaping you might not extract very much, so you may want to think if it's worth it. Using butter/coconut oil might be a better solution. Or bubble bags...?


Good luck with whatever route you go 

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Yes, quick wash ethanol is actually QWET. QWISO is essentially the same with additives that need to be completely evaporated before safe for consuming. Shatter is best achieved at very low temps (-17C+) and the shake is very brief. The idea behind this is that it's so cold, the chlorophyll is frozen solid and therefore not picked up by the time the solvent is shaken in the freezer. It's messy, difficult and possibly quite dangerous to produce at home, so we mostly just talk about it on the web. lol  Why the hell anyone wouldn't go the dry/sift > rosin route (solventless) is beyond me. I reckon QWISO/QWET should be renamed Quite Dangerous Solvent Hash QDSH. 


The 1990's called they're jealous of our 2021 Rosin>Vape tech ... :yep:



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@Slippy One

Agree that rosin far better but v expensive set up costs so I can see the appeal of cheaper solvent extraction. 



Just do your research thoroughly and if you enjoy it, then perhaps explore the solvent less route. I was making bho and qwiso for a good few years with varying results. Rosin is much much more reliable and produces great results safely....

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4 hours ago, Jack? said:

Had a browse online found a method on the RQS website. I have about 1/2 Oz of crap that's no good for vaping so gonna have a go at some shatter. 

What is the best stuff to use? I carnt seem to find any grain alcohol? Maybe I'm being simple. ISO no good to use? If someone could tell me exactly what I need to search/buy in terms of alcohol that would be great .

I'm planning on dissolving the shatter in some MCT oil after , maybe 10ml for a couple of GS shatter? How's best to dissolve and how do you decarb shatter ? Same as weed? 120c for 30mins ? 


My computer is down, so I'm on an old one without access to all my convenient links.  I will return later with them.


190 proof ethanol would be my first choice.  If you can't buy it locally, you can make it from scratch or condense it from lower proof vodka, et al.     


 99% Isopropanol will work and is an FDA Class 3 solvent, meaning you have to keep the residuals below 5000 ppm.   You need to decarboxylate anyway if you are going to use it for oral consumption, so I would take it outside and let the visible Iso evaporate away and then I would put it a suitable container and cook it at 250F in a hot vegetable oil bath, until the fizzy CO2 bubble production suddenly slacks off.   The residual Iso should be well below 10% of lower limits and the good news is that Iso is a pungent alcohol, easily detected by smell and taste far below 10% of lower limits.


If you are going to dissolve it MCT oil, why not extract it with MCT oil?  If you heat it up to 150F or so, the essential oils will rapidly dissolve and be absorbed by the MCT oil.  After extraction and filtering, you can bring the oil up to 250F for decarboxylation.



Edited by Graywolf
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I'm a old Rso /bho kind of guy , bit like mobiles mines a old lump, not smart. i know, old bugger:yinyang:

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Ok guys thanks for all the replys , I read this real quenn seed method and it seemed simple lol

I want to make a 10ml dropper bottle of high strength MCT tincture to have to carry around. Holiday etc. 

Maybe sift it through a screen then is a better option? Then decarb the keif? And then maybe put it in my magical butter machine ?  Thank you all for taking time to help me , appreciate it 

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Because to make a 10ml bottle with the strength I want would have to use a shit ton.

plus to make a batch in the MBM you need atleast 500ml oil.

figured if I used a concontrate and mixed it with just 10ml be easier.

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