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Oh no what are these....


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Hey guys, just noticed lots of little dots on top of the soil... Used my microscope camera thing and found these...





Anyone know what they are?


Want to get something ordered sharpish to sort it out....


Thanks you :) 


Cheers :yep:

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48 minutes ago, Slippy One said:

Not 100% sure but they look like root aphids, tough little guys to get rid of, good luck. 


Thanks @Slippy One Having a Google and it looks like it could be those guys... The guys I've got seem to have lots of hairs on them... Don't know if that shed's any light...?


I'm about a week from flipping, if it's gonna be a massive pain maybe I should just start again?? I'm in Tropic Mix soil, which was grteat on my last run but I guess the new bag I've opened could be contaminated...??



45 minutes ago, Michael Luchóg said:

Vine weevil treatment  ,permethrin or pyrethrum root drench should hammer them .


Thanks @Michael Luchóg, having a google and the tiny ones I can see don't have the grub like look of the tiny vine weevil's so not sure if it's those... Just want to make sure I've got the diagnosis correct before buying anything to sort it... Would the permethrin sort the whatever they are or is it specific to vine weevils?


Cheers guys :yep:


Anyone else got any thoughts? Should I grab new soil and go again?









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I used cypermethrin as a soil drench and it is a general insecticide and will kill most bugs on contact or through ingesting it. It is fairly toxic though and can hang around in the soil for a while so if you use it you might want to hold of flowering for a little while.




Edited by green_machine
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So many choices, but you need a root drench. I've heard neem will work, but I'd prefer something a bit harsher. How do you think you got infected?



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Thanks so much guys :) 


@Michael Luchóg Having a look at some pyrethrum 5ec (Don't want to link) which looks like the stuff...


Most of the blurb talks about spraying it onto the foliage but my guys are mostly in the soil... is it cool to water it in as well? It's like forty notes a bottle so want to make sure it's the right stuff before I order it!!


Thanks again guys, very appreciated :yep:

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Just now, Slippy One said:

So many choices, but you need a root drench. I've heard neem will work, but I'd prefer something a bit harsher. How do you think you got infected?




No idea, I started using Tropic Mix last grow but this is a fresh bag so I can only think it was in that?? Only 3 girls and they're all from seed...

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Maybe look for the same chemical and make your own mix .It's gooey ,heavy liquid , ant killer ,provado I would say works just as well .

Edited by Owderb
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Hey @Owderb


Thanks for that, I don't know if it helps to identify them but I saw one run from the dirt and up one of the girls when I was watering, that's what drew my attention to them...


Should I start again with new soil? What do you think is the best way to deal with them?


Thanks so much :)





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