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Cold castings / breaking soil surface to plant


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Hi all
I've a few questions I've held off, but reckon it's worth asking now.

No-till.  Going well, if a bit cold at the roots - sorting this very soon.  My worm bin has gone to sleep, it's winter and only a small setup so that happens.
Never thought about it till now...

1.  I'm not seeing mites etc in the castings, I don't usually check but assuming it's the cold.  Have the mites and other life laid eggs that'll hatch once cozy in the tent?  That's what I'm hoping for.  There'll be a population already but I associate them with goodness, and I reckon the worm bin will be more diverse as it's been out much longer.

2.  I'm loathe to break the soil come next planting - am I being too precious about it?  Seedlings in 1l pots will be going in - any wise trick to it or just dig a hole and plant?  Was wondering if simply lying them on top would work... heard about this done in faraway ganja fields, hazy knowledge though and doubt it was for planting seedlings.

thanks for any tips

ps.  thanks also for the wisdom shared here, first crop just before xmas.  Nothing special just biobizz.  No bias it's up there with the best I've had, I couldn't believe it.  Respect to the community, I won't see another dealer long as I live.

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