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New pest identification please

undercover hippie

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Hello everyone I've got a small wilma system and I've noticed these living in the tank below.


Kind of like tiny wood lice. They float in colonies on the tank and I've noticed them underneath the pots. I've not seen any leaf damage and can't see any on the leaves even with a magnifying glass. If you zoom in you should be able to see them. Not sure if they're Russet Mites? 




I've had spider mite and thrips before but not seen these. Any help appreciated. Cheers 

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I've been doing some reading about them and the consensus is that they're harmless to plants and only feed on dead organic matter.

What's people's thoughts on this?  

Can they live in DWC bubblers too do you know? 


I sucked the floating colonies out using a drill head pump when I change the water once a week so try and keep them under control. Presumably they came in with some cuttings or within a bag of coco? 


Cheers guys 

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