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Anyone else here semi-dry trim ?


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Last couple harvests iv been trying out trimming in the middle of a wet/dry trim. And the process runs a lot more smoothly in my experiences. Anyone else here tried this tactic ? Or something similar


Method consists of chopping the plants whole and hang drying them for 4/5 days... wait for them to go almost touch dry on the outside or just about touch dry. Trim off individual lengths of branches to trim, then i hang them back up to finish drying. Think it's going to be my perminant method from now on I definetly recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it yet.


I don't get mountains of kief stuck to my gloves like i do with dry trimming and also feel i do a lot less damage to the flowers compared to wet trimming. WIN WIN !


What's everyone elses thoughts on this ? Im sure it's been brought up before but don't see any mention of it

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I used to do similar, I'd cut off any leaves or tips of leaves with no trichomes (to have a better quality trim for when I make hash), I'd then hang for 4-7 days, do a rough trim and chop into individual buds, then paper bags for best part of a week and then final trim and into jars. This time round I'm hanging for longer and skipping the paper bags and skip the partial trim, I'm just doing final trim when finished hanging and putting straight into glass jars. I think the trimming is easier when their properly dry as long the fan leaves were removed straight after chopping. 


e2a: would agree though that you probably loose a few more trichs when dry trimming.

Edited by btk1977
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@btk1977 Forgot to add the little pre-trim for trim quality nice add ! Dry trimming is easy but go it'll literally cake everything i resin lol Make some stonkin hash though

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