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Dov's New Year "Sweet Shop" Sweet Seeds Competition Grow!


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@Clumsy said that my growspace looked like something off a Sci fi film... yours looks like it belongs in Skylab the ISS... :ermm:


Nice work



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Day 9 Update:

The girls have been growing nicely and last night they got another watering as the pots felt light, I went for 2L per pot and 8ml of root juice, I expect a good few days before they need anymore water, it’s easily overdone. 


After their watering I started to train each plant, I’ve bent them over to bring them to the edges of the pot and will use more LST to train them further as more leaf nodes grow. 

temps have been between 22c and 25c. 



each plant took to the LST well and straightened back up for some more light within the 24hr period. 



as we go into the new few updates we will be continuing the training and also starting to look at adding some grow nutrients. 

catch you then!


Edited by Dov1
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Day 13 update:


so it’s been 4 days and the girls are looking a little thirsty, as we are going into week 2 I have started to feed them grow nutrients.


the plants have been given 2L of tap water per pot with 4ml of Biobizz root juice and 2ml of Biobizz grow today.


temps have been between 20c/24c since the last update. 

On the 12th I continued the LST and I have done more LST today. 

tent on the 12th:large.9A34A6F9-ABD6-44A5-B14F-74174B2EA7C6.jpeg


the growth has started to increase in speed as more leaves form and can take in the light. each plant has also reached their 4th node.


tent today (14th):


The plants will continue to get watered the same as today when needed until they are on day 21 then we will lower the root juice and raise the grow given.


see you in the next update for some more veg growth and low stress training!



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Day 15 update:


Over the last two days the girls have made some great progress. It was time to rearrange the LST and start guiding the main stems back across the pots opening up the light to the newer leaves.


The Red Poison made a speedy start and has developed into a nice stocky young plant.


Over to our Crystal Candy and she has been taking nicely to the LST, her new growth isn’t as developed as the others but the new arrangement should help that. 


The Black Cream is dominating the growth lead with some nice node gaps and is looking to turn into a big bushy beast as she develops.


Our other Black Cream is also doing well, she should hope to catch up to her sister with the new LST arrangement! 


Temps in the tent have been averaging at 22c with a drop of 19c again, the thermostat has been increased to 24c with a 1c allowance, this should bring the rad on a bit quicker when temps go down.



Thanks for reading the update, catch you next time when we will be watering the plants and continuing the LST.



Edited by Dov1
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Day 17 update:

Over the last few days LST has been applied each day. 


It’s been 4 days since our last watering and because we are in week 3 it’s time to change the nutrient mix to 2ml root juice and 3ml grow for 2L of tap water. 

Each girl has been watered and had their daily LST applied. 

Temps have ranged from 20c - 25c


Tent on the 17th Jan:



The Red Poison has taken nicely to the LST and the new branch’s and leaves are showily some speedy growth. 


Our Crystal Candy has taken to the extra light and become a bushy little plant very quickly. 



The Black Cream is still leading the pack in size of growth, looks like we will have a fair few “main” branch’s to product some tasty buds!



Over with the second Black Cream and she hasn’t needed much changed in the ways of LST just some leaves moving, for now she’s become the smaller of the bunch. 


Tent on the 18th Jan:


Thanks again for joining me and these girls on an update and see us again soon where we will be keeping an eye out for the plants to show their sex, these are all feminised autos so fingers crossed we don’t have any problems! 


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Update day 19:


HORROR! we have the start of a infestation of spider mites, every growers nightmare, fortunately its now when we haven't got much plant to treat! I have started by removing the leaves with most infection of mites and eggs this was from the Red Poison and Crystal candy, the infestation must have started on one of those plants.


On all of the plants im using SMC spidermite control concentrate mixed 25ml with 1L of water in a spray bottle and I've sprayed the entirity of the leaves and stems, this t

reatment will suffocate anything engulfed by it.


I have raised the light to top of tent to avoid burning the leaves with droplets on.


Now on a positive note we have pistils emerging from all plants showing that they are all females. As we continue into the grow we will keep an eye out for any signs of a hermie where they grow male parts generally from stress, I will get some pictures of these once the treatment is complete.


Tent on the 20th Jan after deep clean:



Thanks for joining me on another update' catch you next time when hopefully we have eradicated the infection! 



Edited by Smokebelch
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