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Coco to NOTILL


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4 hours ago, buddy13 said:


you can but only as a small part of your mix.....you'll need o few more bits in there to get it "living" well.

What about coco that's been used? I know its nothing like soil, I spoke ages ago with a grow shop owner and he asked me about reusing instead of keep buying ( no-till ) I was visiting every few weeks for a bag of coco.


£10/20 every few weeks was nothing at the time.

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5 minutes ago, Stevenn420 said:

@wifi-user no chance pal doing 24 x 8ltr pots twice a day to run off isn't fun, it would make much more sense just to add water pal. 180ltrs nearly every feed I go through it's just not viable in a loft unfortunately. 


7.5ltrs per plant ? How big are they lol

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I give 4ltrs as lights come on and 4 before they go off..i take each plant out and place it over like a bbq grill and just make sure I get a lot draining out. I have a diary running now of them and yes they're quite big :yep:lol

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@Stevenn420 just an observation. I'm using 9L pots with coco and I go through 30L of mixed feed every day, I only water once a day and get plenty of run off amd do it with my plants in situ. No arsing about removing them over buckets, etc. It would seem that your over watering your plants maybe? How do the pots feel before the second daily feed? I use drain to waste trays with the hose going under the eaves to the guttering. The only ball ache is the actually watering which im in the process of getting a water tank and feeding pump and lines, etc although the thought of a large water tank above my head fears me as I've already had a number of leaks from my laziness and not using drip trays a few years back. I'm regularly pulling over a 1.2g/w with my current setup and feeding schedule,  I'd be interested to know why your going through soooo much feed every day?

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1 hour ago, Stevenn420 said:

basically a wall that runs directly under my tent so it should be fine mate.



result :yep:


1 hour ago, Stevenn420 said:

.is this something I could replace with just a few bags of bio bizz or something ? 


not really. just add more e.w.c.   the end result(5-10 runs down the line) is to pretty much be growing in a worm bin:yep:






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1 hour ago, wifi-user said:

a grow shop owner and he asked me about reusing instead of keep buying ( no-till ) 



reusing coco is far from no-till!!!

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@sweettooth hello mate I do remove my pots one by one and place over a bucket with like a bbq grill to make sure I get plenty run off. The pots always do feel wet before the second feed but not as heavy as when I just gave them there first feed, like they have deffo drank quite a bit.. not sure exactly how long but they were vegged so long in 8ltrs that the rootball is massive I can assume it was something like 12 week veg, all clones.


I didn't think you could over water Coco to be honest mate..i thought multiple feeds a day was the normal? Anyways wouldn't that be about right though if I'm chucking roughly 4ltrs through each feed and getting about 1-1.5ltr run off which is about 30% right? So would I mate I just assumed this is how Coco was , as I'm blasting through nutes , another reason I want to go no till. 


Ps should also add that from when lights go off to lights go on. The pots are dry and for that first watering I need to give roughly 4ltrs to even get at least that amount of run off. On the second time I water I don't need to give as much for run off but Ive just always stuck to my 2x 2ltr jugs for each one haha.

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@sweettooth now you mention that thought , I've never had an actual bad problems doing it this way like always yielded nice bud etc but I did have a post up a few weeks back about how high my humidity was...this is probably the culprit to be honest.

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You can't really overwater coco,  you're right but that is a lot of water and nutes etc. I go for about 10 to 15% runoff normally, I don't measure it but see enough come out the pots down to the waste trays and that's what 30 litres gets me. Are you running a dehumidifier and if so how many, what L/day and where are the placed? I hang mine canopy level, if they're at pot level,  they dry the pots out too much as opposed to pulling it out of the air. Any heat matts? Mine are only dry if I leave them 2 days.


On the other note though,  you'd save a lot of time and effort using something like a medusa or iws or similar system, automatic feeding, run to waste system with a decent waste hose. From one loft grower to a soon to be another, lugging water up is enough, having to lugg down the excess is another daily hassle. If I could get a tank and rig up a hose connection from my bath, I'd be sorted,  saves me lugging 30kgs of water up a ladder every day 

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I've been getting the e.w.c. from an ebay seller and Yorkshire worms at the moment as ians fishing tackle has been out of stock for a long time, I think he's just getting rid of it wholesale to 1 supplier...maybe elixir but not sure....the rest comes from either elixir or amazon:yep: 

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@sweettooth hello yes I do use a dehumidifier that's what my old post was regarding its a 400w dimplex il find out exact specs when lights come on but I use that during lights off now and is placed under the canopy in center of the room mate..no heat mats but have the radiator on low in the room also during lights off. I understand a run off system would work wonders however mate I'm really set on switching to living soil. I believe after this one initial cost Ive potentially got soil which will needed water only in time and it can last for years upon years.


What I do now mate to fill my Flexi tank up..bought a cheap tap connector from Wilko and a flexible hose saves so much time carrying buckets through and that's to the room next door haha can't bare to imagine having to carry buckets into the loft.


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@buddy13 thanks again il have a look. If I was to do a longer veg time than usual say to fill a scrog out for instance would I have to add any amendments to subsitute for the longer veg time or would the soil provide this at this stage? With it being my first run with the soil I understand it needs time to build up things and get going properly ? Hope that makes sense. Thanks

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4 hours ago, buddy13 said:



reusing coco is far from no-till!!!


4 hours ago, buddy13 said:



reusing coco is far from no-till!!!

I think he was getting at no-waste more than anything else.. Using harvested plants as a mulch, banana skins, food scraps etc lol

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5 hours ago, Stevenn420 said:

I give 4ltrs as lights come on and 4 before they go off..i take each plant out and place it over like a bbq grill and just make sure I get a lot draining out. I have a diary running now of them and yes they're quite big :yep:lol

I would knock the feeding at lights out on head if your close to harvest.

I feed once daily, sometimes get to miss a day, sometimes need a little bit more than usual.

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