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Ready to germinate seeds

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Hey I’ve got 4 auto flower Dutch passion seeds to germinate I’m just wondering what’s the best method as once they’ve popped I’m putting them in their final pots thanks a lot 

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Been asked many times mate. Take a look using the search function. Serpents guide uses kitchen roll. On my first grow now and I placed them directly into moist soil. 3/3 popped.

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Hi Bricky,

Im no expert,

Some soak seeds in luke warm water till a tap root grows to 1cm,

some like to put seeds on kitchen roll dampened between plates and left on boiler till tap root appears,

Then into grow medium of your choice. 


20degc min from then, 125w cfl is ideal 


Some warm a small pot of compost, under grow light for a while, get seed from fridge, poke hole 1cm deep, pop in hole and cover with soil lightly.

Spray till damp with not cold water.

I did this 2 days ago with a white widow, a white og and 2 bag seed.

The widdow is 2cm high!!

Its 26deg for 18 hrs with lights on then 22 lights off.

A 75w led is absolutely brilliant for this stage.

Pot up in 10 days, ish.


Up to you tho really!!


Best of luck!!


Happy growing,



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Pop the seed/s into a shotglass of tepid water with a couple of drops of 6% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide,

kept warm and dark for 12-24 hrs or so until the taproot just begins to emerge from the seed.


Then pop into medium of choice:

Small pot of cutting/seedling compost,

peat pellet or jiffy pellet if growing in coco,


I'd advise against going straight into the final pot,

just don't be rough with them when potting up.


Keep those roots warm(above 20C) at all times otherwise you can/will run into problems and/or suffer with a reduced yield.


Get a diary up when you get going for helpful advice along the way


Atb mate





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pre soak the final pot, put them straight into thier final pot.

you dont need a humidity dome, and dont bother potting it up, its false economy, autos are on a limited lifespan and shouldnt be stressed by repotting them. 

get a decent root stim into them early doors and they will fly. 

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As you'll see opinions differ on the potting up/not potting up. 


The main reasons for recommending potting up is, 

with new growers(especially) it's easier to get a good root system without worrying about overwatering a large pot of medium. Imo


Plus being able to have a bunch of seedlings close together under a smaller light to begin with. 


I must admit it has been a while since I grew an auto, 

as I prefer being able to decide when to switch to bloom. 


You might be better off following @badbillybob's advice as I believe there's no wrong way. 

Deffo use root stimulant of some kind to get them of to the races :)


Find the method that suits you. 






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Yeah, there are a few differing opinions, im just going off what i used to do, back in the day..

the thing with potting them into small pots then into bigger ones is that the timing of re-pot is absolutely critical, if you dont want to stunt them, plus it adds stress, but personallly, i always took the pot them straight into final pot route.  


i should have added, im assuming you are growing in mud?

And when you have pre soaked the final pot, make sure its well saturated, and then dont add water for at least 5-7 days, depending on temps.

to check -stick your finger down the side of the pot, to the knuckle.  if it comes out with mud on it they are fine, if it comes out dry, its time to water them. continue this wet/dry cycle throughout thier lives.


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6 hours ago, Bricky said:

@Shumroom would you pre soak the little pot first and then once placed in put cling film over top to act as a humidity dome until she pops through 

If you go this way.

Just water in the little pot just before you pop them in the soil,

with the root tip pointing down into the medium,

make sure any excess water has had a chance to flow from holes in the bottom of the pot,

don't let the pot to sit in a saucer of water or it will become too wet.


Use tepid water,

I often add just a little hot water to take any chill off the water,

especiall in winter.


I drop them on the surface of the compost/soil and then use a bamboo skewer to manoeuvre the seed into place.


Then cover the seed with a little more medium as,

you want to create a nice warm dark moist environment for them.


Seeds don't need covered (85% RH for seeds, 100% for rooting cuttings),

this can cause too much humidity and cause problems with rot etc.


It can take a seedling longer to acclimatise if it sprouts in very high humidity,

no light required until they are above the surface :yep:


Atb whichever method you go with.




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@Shumroomthanks man I popped them in a glass over night and they sprouted a little so I’ve moved them on to their paper towel till tomorrow and I’ll be popping them in the smaller pots to start off, I’ll start a thread tomorrow 

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