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Seedlings in a propagator question

Yuzuf Paradizo

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Hi there

My first grow from seed.

I have 5 X OGKZ under a T5 in a propagator 

Day 2 and 3 out of 5 have sprouted

Cubes seem pretty wet. They had a bit of a mist yesterday, the gentlest pressure after and quite a bit of water came out and they still look quite wet.  They suit in the little plastic eggcup strip with drainage and haven't stood in water.

Current temps are 25 c with a probable variance of about 5 c a day because of environmental

In the last hour I've opened the vents on the lid and hedged my bets by giving the sides and top a light mist. 

Because 3/5 have appeared I'm not sure whether to take off the lid and if not how long to wait for the others? - any wisdom gratefully received here guys...



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Seeds don't need a propagator, props are for making high humidity for plants that have no roots. I see people using them for seeds, I do wonder why. If you're using jiffy pellets or root riots I suppose it will keep them damp at least (they do dry out really quick).


I find as soon as the first seed comes up, they all follow pretty soon.

What cubes are they in?


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Evening KC and thanks for your reply.

I am using Rockwool cubes. 

4th seedling has surfaced now..

I'm thinking to move the lid ajar right now and then completely off over the next day or so



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Rockwool eh! Oldskool


I can't recall how long they take to dry out, it's years since I've known anyone use them. Takes me back, my mates home made nft with things bought from the aquarium shop lol 

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I've always found them helpful to stop my pots drying out when I'm starting seeds, I'm usually very busy so I haven't got time to give a starter pot or a pellet or a cube a spray a few times a day to keep the seed wet enough, I've had a few dry out under T5's without a lid as the seeds are only planted at 10mm depth.


Once they're all up and showing the lid comes off.

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If i start in rootit cubes which I generally use for canna, they go in a prop otherwise they dry out.

If I'm starting in compost which is everytjing else then the a bit of cling film loosely placed over the top of the pot. The seeds go in compost with the right moisture. The cover keeps it in til germination. This is how I do both trays of 200 starters or just a handful of pots 

Edit to add. The second they break ground they get uncovered.


Second edit to add. Some of the 200 starter trays I use come with prop lids. Very handy. Once everything is up or 90+% then just remove the lid. These trays are available all the way down to 20 cube trays. 

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Hello all and thank you for taking the time to respond

I've now put the lid back on with the vents open and a light mist of the sides & remove it when they are a bit more robust

Reason being that two seedlings still had their helmets on and I read a bit of humidity can help with the unfurling of cotyledons

One of the seedlings is showing a root and the bottom half of cubes also had a  quick dip for the roots

I've been reading about rooters etc after the deed was done with the rockwool...the last time I did this was approx 10 years ago with cuttings and realizing my tech is verging on the medieval



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Hello Arthur

That's interesting..

Are the cubes free standing on layer of clay balls and drawing up water to irrigate or are the clay balls 'just' to keep the environment appropriate moisture levels if u know what I mean?

Sorry to be hair picking here but reality of my own 'beginners mind' is crashing over me daily and it would be great to be clear on this


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1 hour ago, Arthur Mix said:

I use a prop without a lid when I germinate , layer of clay balls at the bottom , no lid...


As in you literally add a layer of clay pebbles and sit the cubes on top?  gotta say, I would never have thought of doing this, but it does seem like a sound plan 

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