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There's gotta be something wrong with 27% THC...hasn't there?


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2 minutes ago, joba said:

zeroG is correct,you can have trichomes but the bud can be very 'mellow'


i had some sativas and hardly any trichomes but the bud felt like a tab of acid,yes THCV is probably the main factor there


lot of indicas naturally contain CBD where's sativas landraces not. Having said that Scot from Rare dankness has a Haze with 6% CBD so that is possible but rare


new studies from Bedrocan show CBD increases THC levels in blood plazma two fold


it is very complex subject:smokin:


Yes indeed, and exactly my point. I had 'simplified' it for discussion. I have a weed at home that has no trichs to mention. Almost no vapour comes off the weed. 10 mins after a bowl I cant walk...If I rosin it, id get a gram off an oz, and I did iso the trim and got 3 gms from about 4/5 oz. admittedly from just one wash, but looking at the first shakedown I wasnt going to bother.


Interesting subject cause its not about the THC or the CBD which was the direction I was heading with the diuscussion, Phoenix clipped the edge, when talking about terps and flavs, something I know a a bit about, and what compromises the whole stone effect to give you your buz. Ive still never had a whitey like the one I had in my 20s from some 00 bought in a london council estate stairwell. I had to walk oot on family dinner time as a complerte flake, mum, dad, gf. fuck lol...Not that ive been chasing that effect, but it just ilustrates a point. I know that was laced witrh something, but the weed was still sub 15% Thc and probably sub 2 cbd...





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14 minutes ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

ncreased thc =increase in trichome production .


I think what our man is trying to get at here is that frosty bud doesn't neccesarily mean high THC. Seeing as the trichomes contain pretty much everything we're after, a strain with low THC (<10%) but very high terpene content (I dunno, a few miligrams per gram) could present as far far more frosty than a strain with 20%> THC but lower terpene content. The low THC var might have to produce more resin glands to contain just the sheer amount of resin - off the top of my head think about Tangie or Cali-Orange, very frosty trichome laden plants with an amazing taste, but a mellow smoke at best. (corr it is good tho innit? lol)


16 hours ago, zeroG said:

Theres gotta be something wrong with 27% thc...right? Come on! I remeber the days of being blocked,


THC in high enough percentages acts like a sedative. I can't remember the exact ins and outs but super high THC vars block up the receptors in your brain as a kind of self regulation. Lower THC vars still block up your receptors but obviously not quite the same, thats why some lower THC % stuff feels like it has no cieling, and you can smoke it time and time again and still keep getting ripped, ontop of the fact that in lower percentages it also doesn't give that sedating effect which means you're left more open to the entourage effect of the terpenes.




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3 minutes ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

correct it is a very complex subject .


Yes it is when youre not. Again where is the increased potency from volume alone?


... liver ingestion? yes, but again thats not more volume for your liver to ingest seperately from your lungs/soft palatte, its the same amount and your liver converts the oils...





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Too many posts too quickly... :/


I have Tangie, and rarely seen so many truchs on a plant, especially with LED. Fantastic taste, love it and have it as a keeper for that alone. High? lol - never really. Its a terp sensation hit, you feel it, but its stoopid mellow. I can get 30-35% sometimes more - return on BHO and ISO, its still no stronger and theres shed loads of it lol...



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1 minute ago, zeroG said:

I have Tangie, and rarely seen so many truchs on a plant, especially with LED. Fantastic taste, love it and have it as a keeper for that alone. High? lol - never really. Its a terp sensation hit, you feel it, but its stoopid mellow. I can get 30-35% sometimes more - return on BHO and ISO, its still no stronger and theres shed loads of it lol...


Hehe last time I had loads of Tangie came after smoking shed loads of Disco Biscuit, when I dropped onto the Tangie I started dreaming again lollol


But this is exacty what I was trying to get at, frosty plants don't neccesarily mean high THC.

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33 minutes ago, GSZZ said:


THC in high enough percentages acts like a sedative.


when smoked or taken bucaly but if eaten you get 11 oh THC and that is a psychodelic ,thanks to our liver enzymes

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On 12/9/2020 at 3:31 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

can you prove it ?

trichomes are the vehicle by which thc is expressed ..the plant may have a lot of thcva in it but that has to be converted .

increased thc =increase in trichome production .


i believe the same, people always say, "yeh its covered in thc it must be strong", well hemp is covered in trichomes containing literally no thc, yet io grew a hemp plant i nabbed from a hemp field, it flowered with no seeds produced fairly okaish buds which absolutely stunk of lemon and were coated in "thc"

Edited by overthefencegrow
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Well I think we have established that the citron side suits those with PTSD.  Limonene, cinalol have an entourage effect.  That's regardless of thc.

If you read the boards inside out all the PTSD sufferers gravitate to a specific terpene.  Not thc numbers.

Just sayin


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On 09/12/2020 at 3:56 PM, GSZZ said:

think what our man is trying to get at here is that frosty bud doesn't neccesarily mean high THC

I think an example of this could be a plant that was harvested too early, lots of clear trichomes not yet full of cannabinoids.

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I use weed to manage PTSD, but I dont use excuses and I dont 'medicate' - I get high. Im still not convinced that youre not just distracted and less introverted when youre stoned as opposed to actually 'treated'  - thats just my swerve. Some weeds make it proper worse, tipping me violent at times, or as close to without actually being, they call it explosive anger, i call it 'Guns of the Navarone', clear the fucking vicinity. Other weeds make days running into weeks manageable, and almost normal. Lots of the stronger terps and flavs, Limonene, Pinene, Myrcene and Terpinol help, but you have to be careful with strength as well and make sure, like the post above says, you don't take stuff too 'bright'...let it mature properly before you chop.


What is superb is taking it live, if youre rosining, and quick if youre not, Like a week to dry through, helped by warmer temps/good airflow, and a bare minimum week cure just to even up the moisture. Vaping/smoking it early is a less rounded stone, but higher in fresh terps and flavs as its still burning sugars internally. A better frame of mind is more prevalent when the weed is fresh. Its different for everyone, but i have looked in to it quite seriously, obviously. Most of my posts about weed are about lower THC %tages and higher terp/flavs.


Maybe I should get on the 28% and see if it doesnt cure me all together? They do say don't knock it till you tried it, and I suppose if its full spectrum, rounded, cured and taken at perfect trich head stage, then why not?...Its just not that easy to hit all the climax's together.


The again, tried ands tested sub 15% is most appealing as I already said :)



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On 12/13/2020 at 9:57 PM, Phoenix said:

Well I think we have established that the citron side suits those with PTSD.  Limonene, cinalol have an entourage effect.  That's regardless of thc.

If you read the boards inside out all the PTSD sufferers gravitate to a specific terpene.  Not thc numbers.

Just sayin



That's really interesting. I have noticed that strains that help the most with focus for me (Jack Herrer and Black Widow) are mostly piney smelling

Edited by growitandsmokeit
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