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PV killermite doseage


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Hi guys


it says online to use 0.25ml per litre for spider mites but it says use 0.5ml for every other pest it works on.


My question is, can I run it at 0.5ml per litre or is it overkill?



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I've used double that in the past with no noticeable harm to the plants. 


In veg mind. 


I wouldn't advise using it in flower at all. 



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19 minutes ago, TotalNoob said:

For what reason? Thanks for the reply by the way

My mate who gave me the clone that infected my groom told me too. 


Apparently they were hardy mites that took more than the recommended dose to kill them. 


As it turned out he was right as enough survived the initial application for me to run into problems again later (partly my own fault for not doing a repeat application a week later as advised). 


A lot of mites these days are quite resistant to the traditional pesticides. 


If you catch them early enough I would recommend predators. I recently had a good success using them. 


If it's a serious and widespread infestation I would personally bin everything off and bug bomb the room/tents.  In my experience that's the most full proof way of eradicating the fuckers. 


Whatever you choose to do, good luck :yep:

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Just now, Dodgee said:

My mate who gave me the clone that infected my groom told me too. 


Apparently they were hardy mites that took more than the recommended dose to kill them. 


As it turned out he was right as enough survived the initial application for me to run into problems again later (partly my own fault for not doing a repeat application a week later as advised). 


A lot of mites these days are quite resistant to the traditional pesticides. 


If you catch them early enough I would recommend predators. I recently had a good success using them. 


If it's a serious and widespread infestation I would personally bin everything off and bug bomb the room/tents.  In my experience that's the most full proof way of eradicating the fuckers. 


Whatever you choose to do, good luck :yep:

thanks for that


i meant for what reason would you not use it in flower?

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Because as a systemic pesticide its persistent and can remain in the plants system (leaves/stems/BUDS) for 4++ weeks. 


Given that its carcinogenic if inhaled (your recommended to use a face mask for application) I definitely wouldn't want to smoke the combustion products of it burning.


Some people would go as far as using a full face mask with respirator just for application. 


It's not nice stuff in a nutshell. 

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As you've got to smoke the buds and even though they say abermectin/avermectin is safe for edibles we aren't eating them we are combusting the flower which changes the chemical reactions which as far as I know they don't test for when they say it is safe for eating.


As a general rule if something says on the bottle for ornamental use you shouldn't be using it on cannabis flowers. Not saying pv killermite does just what I use to judge if something is safe to use in veg I'll never spray in flower.


If it's systemic I wouldn't be using it in bloom as it'll hang around in the end product

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Yeah I just checked the label and it's 1.84% abamectin suspended in cyclohexanol. 


Respirator is recommended for application along with gloves/boots/apron/face shield. 


"Immediate medical assistance should be sort if the concentrate makes contact with your skin" 





Does that sound like something you wanna smoke?? 


No ta :yep:

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After briefly checking your content I see your around week 5 flower. 



At that stage I would strongly recommend using predators. 


A combination of  Amblyseius californicus and Phytoseiulus persimilis is what you need. Both are available online with next day delivery :yep:

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This is what I had to use , just to apply it ! 



You wont be able to get hold of N95 mask given current circumstances , do your own research inhaling abamectin is clearly a bad idea, which will be repeated every where you read about it because it's clearly the right advice.


Just get some predator mites it's your only other option other then binning the plants and starting again.

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Just to make sure, this stuff is 0.25 or 0.5ml per litre for a foliar spray?


or are those measurements for to add to water and nutes?



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