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Spider mites, just starting week 5 flower


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Hi guys,


ive just noticed I’ve got a bad spider mite problem. They’re little white mites and creating small webs around a couple of the top colas. I’ve bought some killer mite and Harkers off eBay. Do I spray it 1ml per litre?


I’m starting week 5 of flower on Wednesday but the badly affected plants have noticeably smaller buds... do I knock the feed down or do i continue to add the regular dose of PK Boost etc?

thanks for your help


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8 hours ago, TotalNoob said:

spider mite problem.


8 hours ago, TotalNoob said:

They’re little white mites


spider mites are rarely white......usually green with 2 spots or red....

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You don't spray anything into 5 week flowering girls either. You don't want to be smoking permethrin 


Predator mites or nothing this late into the game imo

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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I’ve had everything else with regards to pests. They are small and white as if they are babies.


they have started building webs at the bottoms of the leaf where it meets the stem and also one or two of the top colas have webs over them 



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1 hour ago, TotalNoob said:

Thanks for your help. Would it cause harm to the girls if I gave them a quarter of the recommended dose? Thanks again

It won't harm the plants. It will harm you though. You cant be smoking bud sprayed with systemic insecticide. 

It is as bad an idea as it sounds 

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Oh man I feel for you and feel sick at the thought of this happening to me let alone anyone else. 


Those predator mites...can you order them and then and just keep them aside for that moment you spot the spider mites, or do you just pour over the plants and let them be, if theres spiders then they'll have a feast and if not then its no really doing any harm other than a precautionary measure and the plant will be fine. Just the thought of having 2000 beasties on your planta sends shivers but not if you're having a million spider eggs over a 4wk.period..  note to those with arachnophobia don't grow weed!


what happens when you harvest and the predator mites are still crawling over the plants? 


I read they're really only effective in temps aroumd 16c so how would that work if you dont want to go that low for fear of bud rot?


What causes them to appear?

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Amblyseius californicus hang around as a preventative. You can get these in sachets that slow release over 4 months. 

Persimilis are for if you've already got a bad infection. They won't last long without prey to eat.

Predator mites are happiest at the temperatures our grow rooms sit at 


When you harvest a plant with mites if you hang it upside down they all climb to the top 


Predators are highly effective. Like super good. Far better than any spray.


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