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EC pen readings


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Hello @Firstimegrower_420

I'm only new myself so someone wil correct me if im wrong but i think aslong as you add your additives 1st(silicone, pk etc) it keeps your NER ok. Do what @badbillybobsaid and drop ec to 1.2ish

Im not using canna but they seem to recommend the same measurement /L as my nutes do and i started at 1/4 strength of whats on the bottle and work my way up in 0.1ml increments. I'm only on my 2nd grow but as a rough guide on my 1st i went upto 1.9ml/L of a+b before i saw tip burn and kept it at around 1.5ml/L a+b with a tiny splash of pk. 

Dunno if this'll be helpful or not but just had a critical jack vape to start the day and it makes my brain go 100mph but not make much sense lol





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56 minutes ago, badbillybob said:

are you in week 5 of bloom? or veg?


Thanks @Shaggy1 and @badbillybob im in week 5 of bloom and what i did last night was use the guide of canna that gave me the reading of around 1.4 which was for 6litre 


Canna A&B 16ml

Rhizotkmic 3ml

Canazym 15ml

Pk13/14 9ml 

Canna boost 18ml (states anything between 12/24ml so im and extra 1/4 there) 


This took my EC to 1.8 so with additional water I got it to 1.3 with a PH aiming fir 6 but gave up at 5.94. I suppose I could've reduced more the A &B to 14ml which would give around total 1.6 before diluting, I could even go further and reduce it but would that be wise for the stage im at?


I flushed CK as her reading on run off was 2 1 and managed to drop her to 1.6 and hopefully tonight it won't be as high as ill stick at 1.2/1,4 readings aiming no higher but please let me know if that doesn't sound right as im dreaming about this now lol


I've got a diary going, can't remember the name of title but something like help grown3 seeds in coco and all my pics are there but here's some 


Edited by Firstimegrower_420
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@Firstimegrower_420 that sounds more like it to me bro, from what I've read in general I'd keep it below 1.4-1.5 unless she's a proper greedy bitch.


When flushing I'd just use like 0.5 a+b and a splash of root stim or that and try get it below your desired ec then go back to 1.2ec and see how it reacts


My ec pen actually broke my 1st grow(1 of them chinese jobs) but luckily i measured all the nutes ppm per ml so i roughly know whats what anyway and now 2nd grow going well so far without an ec penlol




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Better underfed than overfed. I say bollocks to grow schedules from manufacturers, they just want you to use their products up so you buy more. Look at your plants, if they need feeding they will let you know, lighter green leaves etc. Some strains can take lots of nutes, some don’t like much at all. Over feeding is far more difficult to resolve than underfeeding.

When I mix my nutes it takes 3-4 hours, so the nutes get mixed properly and I put bubblers in the buckets, PH always seems to take a while to settle, the bubblers push it up I believe.
I guarantee you will fuss a lot less on your next grow, try and chill a bit, enjoy the ride :yep:

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