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How do you germinate? Should I change?

Kush Lover

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I use the little peat pellet things that are a small disc that you soak and they puff up to full size. Squeeze any excess water out so they're moist but not soaking, pop the seed in and put them in a heated prop. I mist them if they're feeling dry. They show above ground after about 3 days :yep:

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@Kush Lover i use the jiffys mate and they do the job, only thing with them is once you've soaked them and they expand they hold far too much water so id advise soaking them and then leaving for 24 hours or so before you use to try dry it out abit or you can squeeze the excess water out, but be gentle because you dont want to compact the jiffy too much.


What i do is just get some kitchen roll and wrap that around the jiffys, that seems to soak up excess water quickly without compressing the medium then i rip the top bit of netting around the jiffy so i can pull it apart abit to make it abit fluffier on top, nice a cosy for a littlenlol


As for the germination i bang the seeds in shot glasses of root temp water for 8 hours or so until they sink then into damp paper towel over night or for 24 hours and they all show tap roots then straight in jiffys soaked in room temp water and a splash of root stim.


so far I've done 18 and all 17 have popped within 24hours of each other, and 1 runt that took ages but popped eventually 


Take it easy:smokin:

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I've used varying methods over the years. Straight into compost, Jiffy Plugs, Tissue paper, etc. but my (near) 100% success rate (with decent seeds) is:


Root Riot cubes. I pop the pips into a cup of de-chlorinated water for 6hrs or so.


I soak the cubes in water with a light Formulex nutrient mix. Then I give them a 'gentle' squeeze so they are not soaking wet and let them drain for 2-3 hrs.


Skin up (optional)... Then:


I pop the pips in 1/4 inch...ish down into the cubes. And place them in a propagator sitting on a heating mat. I check them every 12hrs , so that they don't dry out.


Put on some music and drink whiskey. (optional)


After 2-4 days I usually see them rising from the cubes. Then I remove the propagator lid and place them under a light (flouro tubes)  24hrs on.


Whilst they are babies I treat them to a diluted water/Biobizz Root Juice feed (I use 0.5ml per 1 litre). I put a fan on low facing the wall 'not the seedling' so they get a mild draught to strengthen the stalks. I check periodically that they don't dry out & alternate between water & Root Juice feeds. Once roots appear from the cubes I pot them up & move them onto vegging cycle. (light 18hrs on 6hrs off).


I realise the heating mat and propagator are optional and have a cost, but, this is what works for me.

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I put them into root riots onto a thin layer of perlite in a propagator on a heating mat.

They usually sprout within 3 days and get transferred into organic compost.

I sometimes run into germination issues as well, but that miraculously happens only when I plant extra seeds from dubious old stock. :yep:

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I keep it pretty simple. Soak overnight then plant next day whether the tap root is showing or not.


I used to use the paper towel method but worried about damaging them with all the messing about. I've not noticed any difference. Each to their own though. :yinyang:

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I recently started to use the @Fraggmethod:

Shot glass of water with a couple of drops of Hydrogen Peroxide to kill off any nasties in the water and provide extra Oxygen to the water. 


Leave somewhere warm and dark overnight then transfer to little pots of cutting/seed compost or peat pellets. 

Place under a light. 

Then try not to think about them for a day or two :D




Edited by Shumroom
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@Shumroom i might have to try half in the water then soil and other half water, paer towel, soil and see. The last lot i done all poked a taproot out around 8-10 hours after i put them in paper towel and i did drop a couple, 1 more than once lolno harm done though. I do like seeing the root pop out tho and knowing they're alive

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@Shumroom it isn’t really my method mate lots of folk start beans this way, I’ve never had a failure though and I germinate regularly, wishing you the same success!I remember chatting with Jaypp from Sweet Seeds in Amsterdam and he uses the same method, helluva grower and photographer that guy, check his IG for inspiration :oldtoker:

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I'm one for planting seeds directly, without soaking, unless the seeds are particularly old. Less handling and stress the better IMO. 

The only 'special' thing I do now is put a tiny bit of aloe vera gel in the hole before the seed. 


Jiffy plugs used to be my preference, but as @Shaggy1 pointed out, they can hold too much water and get compacted if you squeeze to remove the excess. Not a fan of Root Riots at all. 


I've been trying out the Eazy plugs for sprouts and cuts: they take seconds to saturate and as long they're able to drain freely, they will never hold too much water so no squeezing required. As soon as roots show they go into an Eazy block, and there they stay until ready for the final pot. As an added bonus, the blocks look just like a piece of chocolate sponge when wet. 

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I sow straight into potting mix, wet the medium - plant 10mm down (I use a cocktail stick with a mark for depth to make a sowing hole) - put lid on prop (lights on for temp) - remove lid when they show, never fails me and there's no faff moving sprouted seeds from one place t'other.



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2 hours ago, Fragg said:

@Shumroom it isn’t really my method mate lots of folk start beans this way, I’ve never had a failure though and I germinate regularly, wishing you the same success!I remember chatting with Jaypp from Sweet Seeds in Amsterdam and he uses the same method, helluva grower and photographer that guy, check his IG for inspiration :oldtoker:

Yeah mate,

I just wanted to make it clear that this was not my original idea(IP theft is a no no as far as I'm concerned) :D 






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@Shumroom@Fragg is the growth tech hydrogen the best to use? I've seen it mentioned before but just had a look at it now. 


@SYZYGY aloe is some good stuff in general, I've seen people use it with cuttings instead of clonex and stuff.

Might have to pop round my old dears shes got a couple aloe plants


@Exhale i wish i had the confidence in myself/growing to just put them straight in lolwill come with time


Take it easy

Shaggy :bong:

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Ok thats sweet, i saw between 3%-17%, wont be germin anymore for 5-6 weeks but might give it a go


Haha cheers @Fragg, gotta love abit of scooby doo! i got the nickname years ago cus im always stoned with snacks and i got a dog that looks like scoobylol 

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