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Mixing nutrients


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Basically switched to growers ark soft water with there root tonic and traces. I also currently use silica and plant magics magne cal. 

Hoping someone could correct me or give some input wether or not this is the correct way to mix it all? Especially as there may be problems with adding cal mag and silica into the same mix? 


Let's just say 5ltrs of tap water + 2.5m/l silica, then I would add PH down to bring my water between 6-7. Then the root tonic at 3m/l. Then A + B at 3m/l and finally extra traces 2m/l?  

Would I need to add cal mag in the feed without the silica? Read a few posts online stating that they shouldn't not be mixed in the same feed.


Any help appreciated thanks

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I cant help with cal mag and silica as I dont use silica but shouldnt you PH down at the end after adding all nutes ? 


Adding nutes after PH down will again change the PH so your final PH is now not what you measured at, I usually do cal mag by EC then the other nutes by ml per 1L then PH down with PH pen. 

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I agree, the ph down should be added at the end. Not sure what root tonic and silicone bring to the coco party but ph should be last. 

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@Slippy One reason for doing so is silica should be added first and since it raises the PH so high you need to bring it back to down to the pH of 6-7 again. Then after adding base nutes re adjust PH if needed but never really is needed. Just really don't know if cal mag and silica can be mixed together due to the potassium silicate binding to the calcium or something? Just need some confirmation really.

Also the root tonic doesn't affect EC at all mate.

Edited by Stevenn420
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If u use unstable silicon products do not add it to anything but neat water......a neat trick a member has just taught me is to add a little ph down first.

Without writing an science essay on why potassium silicate precipitation occurs at different PH ranges and its interaction with fertilised water I could just forward you to the science behind it.




And I’m unsure as to why ur using cal mag and traces....I thought growers ark was tailored to your water and the traces include the missing secondary’s ....but I’ve never used them tbf. 

(same goes for ph up if u ever use it....mix it in as much water as u can and add it very very slowly.....if it clouds u ruined the whole mix)


Edited by zen-ken
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Might be easier to omit silica, I know it’s used to good effect on drought stricken crops but indoor, well irrigated plants don’t really need it IMO. Why you need root tonic in coco is beyond me, as all I see using coco is massive root balls, and that’s just using A&B. Then again, I’m not trying to sell you anything.. :yep:


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@zen-ken thanks for the reply mate.


I haven't actually used the cal mag with the extra traces. I haven't even used the growers ark yet they only just arrived but after previously using canna nutrients was always chasing a deficiency...so ended up going with there soft water version...so I can basically ditch the cal mag now with having the traces? I also use growth technology liquid silicon , cheapest I could find. I've not had a cloudy mix in the past with canna so hopefully that won't happen.


@Slippy One Think that could be the most viable option. Just thought that the silica was available in the soil to plants but not in coco? Also the root tonic..I'm guessing it's just like cannas rhizotonic?

I know a lot of people swear by that but I've never used anything of the sort except A and B like you say. I only bought 1ltr of the root tonic anyway so will see if it makes any difference .

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14 hours ago, Stevenn420 said:

@zen-ken thanks for the reply mate.


I haven't actually used the cal mag with the extra traces. I haven't even used the growers ark yet they only just arrived but after previously using canna nutrients was always chasing a deficiency...so ended up going with there soft water version...so I can basically ditch the cal mag now with having the traces? I also use growth technology liquid silicon , cheapest I could find. I've not had a cloudy mix in the past with canna so hopefully that won't happen.


@Slippy One

I have no idea as your in coco.....I would contact the manufacturer and ask them for recommendations and listen to @Owderb....he has a few posts more than me lol 

Coco cation exchange can lock up calcium so it is sometimes required as a supplement....a coco specific nutrient should allow for this tho.


silicon is essential in hydroponics imo....I don’t grow without it...it’s benefits are well documented and proven (just do not use past week2 bloom).

using liquid silicon incorrectly....it will precipitate out and cause issues and not increase the PAS.


Edited by zen-ken
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