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Amblyseius Cucumeris thrip predators


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Hi guys I've noticed I've got a thrip problem one of my plants looks like it's got 2 weeks to go the other maybe over 3 weeks, I've just bought some predator mites Amblyseius Cucumeris to deal with the thrips.


Has anyone had any experience using them just wanted to get a few opinions.


Might sound silly but will they end up stuck on trichomes or in the buds? 


I'm gonna place them all on the lower canopy and let them work their way up so no vermiculite will end up in my nugs.




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They worked ok whilst in veg but never really eradicated the problem for me and when i put my plants into flower the predators disappeared 

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3 minutes ago, cannaboy_420 said:

They worked ok whilst in veg but never really eradicated the problem for me and when i put my plants into flower the predators disappeared 

Was there much of a issue with the thrips in the end? I noticed them a little while ago but didn't think they was going to take hold but looks like they are populating quite a bit so would rather have something in there to munch em 

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I prefer swirski but they won't get the thrips and larvae in the top of the canopy, so I'm going to grab some Orius laevigatus as they'll eat adults and the bigger larvae. Though since I top dressed with ecothrive charge my rove beetle population has exploded and I only see the odd flier about now. 


If I've used loose predators in the past not the sachets then I've always bought a few distribution boxes and hung them off the branch much cleaner way of distributing predators and acts as a little breeding den if the conditions are right. 


Also look at the fungus gnat/thrip thread farmerpalmers started in the organic section on breeding rove beetles mate, a little bit pricey on initial outlay but once setup you've got free predators for life that will munch most soil borne baddies :yep:

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@ukbudz thank you for your input mate I really was looking at getting swirski last night too but couldn't decide which to go for, I've seen the rove beetle thread and I'll definitely look into that a bit more where do you get the distribution boxes from mate I was gonna fashion some up but if I can buy some quickly I'll just do that 

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With two weeks to go i wouldn't bother. Clean everything and put the predators on mother plants if you have them. 

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5 minutes ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

With two weeks to go i wouldn't bother. Clean everything and put the predators on mother plants if you have them. 


Thanks man that's eased my panic a bit I don't have any other plants started yet was about to get some going but now I think I'll harvest these then have a good clean up got a scrog net in or I would just take them out and clean and inspect as best I can.


My soil is rammed with mites as it is already think they are all beneficial they came out of some worm castings I got from Willy worms so I'm shocked I got thrips with all the mites already in there was thinking about getting some nematodes aswell as the predator mites.


But I won't bother now they are near the end I'll just use the predators now that I've already bought them. 


Also does anyone just use them for preventative measure I'm thinking I might just use these to constantly keep on top of things before they develop.

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4 hours ago, UKsFinest said:

Was there much of a issue with the thrips in the end? I noticed them a little while ago but didn't think they was going to take hold but looks like they are populating quite a bit so would rather have something in there to munch em 


I certainly don't stress too much about them mate, ive battled with them for years, i found keeping environments in check and making sure not to over water keeps them under control

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