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Lack of potency


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Just completed my first grow which was Dinafem White Widow XXL and Cheese XXL autos and whilst I'm over the moon with the yield (11oz), I'm really underwhelmed with the potency.  Dinafem state 80 days for these strains and I took the WW at day 87 and Cheese at day 89 but still think I may have chopped too early.  Widow has been in jars for a week, Cheese is drying. 


I had a fat blunt on Saturday after 10 Stellas which with dealer weed would see me hugging the toilet.  Not with my home grown, had a mild buzz for a bit but could easily have smoked 2 or 3 more. 


Trying to figure out where I've gone wrong.  Is this to be expected from autos, did I chop too early and lose potency or will it get stronger with a cure?  It's not tolerance related as until this grow I hadn't touched weed in over 5 years. 

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On 10/6/2020 at 1:28 PM, BudJ said:

I had a fat blunt on Saturday after 10 Stellas

Some appetite there? Perhaps your tolerance is way up??  Tripping the light fantastic has it's consequences.

At the same time tho, i remember writing such a post here on uk420 some years ago when i was growing unknown autos with minimal light in a smaller space, true it was pleasant to smoke but was'nt very strong, then i also discovered that some plants are weaker than others in a pack there is always a favourite and one which is not as favourite as the favourite and maybe you have grown one which was not destined to be favourite for reasons that maybe only the plant is aware of?

 But true, you must cure and recalibrate your mind to your weed, drop the dealer weed maybe it's cut with something to keep one coming back.

There are other choices besides autos. Faaaack I did a fast version plant last year, it had stopped flowering at 6 weeks and was covered in trikes. Kept it going till the rest at 8 1/2 weeks and am smoking it now... cat pee skunks and orange red trike jam inside tough tight nuggs.

 I just can't figure 18-20 hours of weak light for 10 weeks??  what's the point? :spliff:

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8 hours ago, schmoak said:

Some appetite there? Perhaps your tolerance is way up??  Tripping the light fantastic has it's consequences.

At the same time tho, i remember writing such a post here on uk420 some years ago when i was growing unknown autos with minimal light in a smaller space, true it was pleasant to smoke but was'nt very strong, then i also discovered that some plants are weaker than others in a pack there is always a favourite and one which is not as favourite as the favourite and maybe you have grown one which was not destined to be favourite for reasons that maybe only the plant is aware of?

 But true, you must cure and recalibrate your mind to your weed, drop the dealer weed maybe it's cut with something to keep one coming back.

There are other choices besides autos. Faaaack I did a fast version plant last year, it had stopped flowering at 6 weeks and was covered in trikes. Kept it going till the rest at 8 1/2 weeks and am smoking it now... cat pee skunks and orange red trike jam inside tough tight nuggs.

 I just can't figure 18-20 hours of weak light for 10 weeks??  what's the point? :spliff:

@schmoak I can't deny the appetite mate :yes:  Even so, after 10 beers and vaping all day a blunt that size should've switched off my lights and I wouldn't have done it with regular strength weed as I know the consequences.  Tolerance - I don't think so.  Yes I've been vaping the plant since day 45 but no weed at all in the preceding few years. 


That said, I've had my nose in the jar all week and I can smell the changes..... the green smell is going, replaced with a spicy peppery smell (Googled - Caryophyllene terpene), much more like that familiar weed smell.  I had a decent stone on last night after hitting the Dynavap hard so I'm feeling a bit more positive about it now.


I hear you on photos, definitely on the cards for a future grow once I work out the difference vs autos.


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It will get stronger with a good cure in jars but if its underwhelming when its dry its unlikely to improve it much !

Id say the best bet is to make concentrates from it !

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4 minutes ago, LA LUNA said:

It will get stronger with a good cure in jars but if its underwhelming when its dry its unlikely to improve it much !

Id say the best bet is to make concentrates from it !

That's what I'm thinking..... might improve a bit with cure to a point I'm happy with it as my still-need-to-get-things-done strain but I doubt it's ever going to knock my socks off.


Good shout on the concentrates.  We'll see how it turns out, maybe some hash or edibles are in order.

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3 hours ago, BudJ said:

maybe some hash or edibles are in order.

After getting some oil off a friend early this year i only do edibles now, i have a dynavap but only use it occasionally now, im always blasted off cookies or brownies nowadays !

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23 hours ago, LA LUNA said:

After getting some oil off a friend early this year i only do edibles now, i have a dynavap but only use it occasionally now, im always blasted off cookies or brownies nowadays !

Do you work out dosages when making said oil/butter to dose or is it a guestermation dose mate .


Do you have a preferred method say 1oz to 125 grams butter e.g

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My last crop I thought was weak as shit, but everyone else said it was great. As previous posters have said, maybe your tolerance is high. I hand rolled some dry sift hash I made with my trimbin and cured it for 3 months. It was lovely to smoke. With trim and an Oz of bud I made nearly 1/2oz. Half I flat pressed and the other I hand rolled. Something to consider :yep:

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1 hour ago, B-real said:

Do you work out dosages when making said oil/butter to dose or is it a guestermation dose mate .


Do you have a preferred method say 1oz to 125 grams butter e.g

Yes mate, i decarb 8 grams of bud in a mason jar lay on a wet tea towel in the oven on 120c for 30 mins, i shake the jar every 10 mins.

Then i let the jar cool (aparently this way any thing that boils off during the decarb phase stays in the jar, but it also helps keep thd smell managable) and add 150 grams of butter, then i add the jar to a slow cooker on high half filled with water and double boil away for 3 hours take it out and let it cool. After its cooled i strain with a metal strainer and set the used buttery bud to one side and the butter in a tub and let it set.

I use 2 aldi cookie mixes that require only butter to make, mix cannabutter and add extra butter as you lose some in the process in with mix then bake 16 cookies as per instructions ! Each cookie contains 0.5 grams and seriously f**ks me up so usualy i have half and am happy !!!

The oil i get off a friend and i usually have about a grain of rice no more !

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You're getting the same results as me by the sounds of it. I've been at it for years too. :rofl: The cure won't really improve the potency as I've discovered many times.  When I figure out the cause I'll let you know. Don't give up though.

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22 minutes ago, mikeydoughnut said:

Ey up @BudJ I’ve had the same problem as you before and it can be a bit of a bummer. Although with a small tolerance break in between smoking it got me by. But if tolerance isn't the issue I can vouch for the edibles option if you want to get wrecked. I took maybe a quarter oz wet purple Matcha and cooked for 8hrs with 50g of butter. Holy fucking god lol I was hallucinating owd lad! Get some yummy biscuits made. Cannabutter tastes like shit (rather an acquired taste, you may like it)  so try using cinnamon or something similar to try hide the taste.


 Ey up @mikeydoughnut what's this about cooking 'wet weed' in what clarified 'dairy butter'? :unsure:

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Yep, so have 100grm of popcorn n trim in the water simmering low low looow barely making steam v.few bubbles, after an hour am going to lump in 1/2 a jar of coconut oil 130gm 150ml cook at between 100 and 120C for a further 7 hours?  Will that work? @mikeydoughnut and @BudJ I am doing this in the name of science and to assist you in the quest for potency, will report back here asap maybe 06.00 - 0800 tomo morn. It's first time making canna butter and can thank this thread for providing some inspiration to shifting a mysterious mental block of a lifetime and getting it on the cooker!!

 Cheers all:toot:

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36 minutes ago, mikeydoughnut said:

Don’t slip wi that concoction


 Good on you mikeyD,

I overdid it one time before and have not tried homemade since, t'was just a loaded oily coffee but everything went Zoom till the next day . . .

 Remembering now, it was a state of deepest relaxation :stoned: even the little fingers knew it was potent, never made it back there again but now, after being on site here slowly becoming aware of 'best practice' it seems really handy to stick the trims and stuff into the pot and make butter,especially since having no freezer or fancy hash equipment. . . yet. The butter seems a wonderfulyl simple way to have potency in a Jar:realcool:.


 P.S. must not forget to check pot from time to time , just in case  :chef: becomes :furious:     :rofl:

 Peace y'all :yinyang:

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Just don't do what I did. 

Unimpressed with the quality of my bud I took a whole bud (probably around 4 grams), decarboxylated it in the oven at 100C for 20 mins, took two HobNobs, coated each one with Nutella and made a Nutella weed biscuit cake, wrapped in foil and baked at 120C for a further 20 mins.


Tasted Disgusting :rofl:  It got to point where I couldn't hold a glass upright then spent a few hours puking up my guts.  This was followed by around 14 hours in bed.  I don't remember going to bed or waking up in the morning (afternoon) :rofl:


I haven't eaten weed since but never say never. :wassnnme:

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