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Seedlings stretching. Lower light or increase power


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My seedlings have sprouted 3 to 4 days ago and getting very stringy. Iv lowered my light to 10 inches today to see if that helps. I'm using a maxibright daylight 300w set at 20%. I haven't used leds before and was told set it at 20% with the light high to stop burn but the stretch is crazy. Could I increase to 40% and leave at 10 inches or lower the light and leave at 20%. Not sure what to do and dont want to ruin my first set of sprouted seeds. 

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i would lower the light right down mate, and treat as a cfl on 20%, ie real close and see if that stops stretch i doubt you wil hurt them, then increase the light intensity as and when and raise the light in the process.





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Thanks, ill try them at 10 inches for tonight then see how they are in the morning and go from there. There still in the propogator atm. There set to 18 6 is that enough time for seedlings or should I got to 20 4. Sorry for all the questions never grown from a seed before. 

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25 minutes ago, OctoMan said:

I've never been happy with my results on 18/6.  20/4 or 24/0 has worked better for me.

Thanks mate ill change to 18/6 so its not so much of a change. 

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What strains are you growing.


Personally i would have gone for turning the light up to be honest with you.


when you say your seedlings are stringy do you mean your worried they’ll fall over because it’s quite common to have to support a seedling early on but it’ll get stronger and stiffer as it grows and won’t need the support after a week or so.

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Always remember that if your seedlings get straggly, you can always re-pot them and plant them deeper, so that more of the stem becomes supported again.  It is always OK to do this.  Don't leave young plants in a state where they can barely support themselves.

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Only half fill your starter pots. Once the seedling has sprouted and stretched you can then top up with compost to support it. 

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11 hours ago, OctoMan said:

I think you missed my point unless that's a typo. :mellow:



I like 20/4 for propagation ....I just like to give them an icicle rest each day.....everyone deserves a break after all lol 

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Sorry it was a typo. I changed to 20/4 and all is well. I think I was panicking a little. Since lowering the light they are looking great. I will deffo be reporting them soon and sinking them in deeper. Strain is sour diesel from blimburn seeds. Iv taken the propogator lid off now aswell as they are touching the top of it. They are supporting themselves very well at the min, but deffo need reporting in the next few days. I may increase my light to 40% when they are reported too. Thanks for the advice guys. 

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low light and propagators are for cuttings. 


The cannabis that grown in places like Afghanistan, Lebanon and Morocco can all seem to cope growing out the dirt with the full intensity of a huge ball of luminous plasma in the sky above them.. Im sure they are able to handle some LEDs.  





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9 hours ago, Amarillo slim said:

low light and propagators are for cuttings. 


The cannabis that grown in places like Afghanistan, Lebanon and Morocco can all seem to cope growing out the dirt with the full intensity of a huge ball of luminous plasma in the sky above them.. Im sure they are able to handle some LEDs.  





Old bugby reckons you can get plants to 900 ppf quick ....and should do


that plasma ball in the sky......I’m struggling to find the dimmer switch lol 

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