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Welcome to my little corner of the world, not too far from Heathrow airport.


I have been growing in my shed the last couple of years, ideally I would have moved to a new location and setup a fresh shed, alas not due to Covid-19.  My move was cancelled the same week locked in the UK occurred, just felt the most sensible course of action due to all that was going on.  Maybe I will move mid grow, we will see, it will all be fun either way - I am a master at turning lemons into lemonade, we have no choice but to right?


Anyways, I digress.  Lets get this show on the road! 


My shed is currently full of Sweet Seeds ladies.  I never stopped growing Sweet Seeds stuff, continually providing all I could wish for and a little more on top :thumsup:


I am growing in Biobizz All Mix & Plagron Batmix soil 50/50.  A major change of nutrients, I have move away from BioBizz and this is my first grow with Intense Nutrients Organix range.  @Intense Nutrients Matt


My lighting is: The sun & a 1000w bulb running at 660w.  I did have two on the go but it gets too hot so this is a bit of a smaller grow using just one light - I will sort this for the next grow as it will be winter and I should be able to get away with it.


Gorilla Girl, Psicodelicia and Cream Caramel - All 34 days since flip.  I am very much looking forwards to them completing as currently I have smoked all I have.......working from home has meant I have been able to enjoy being constantly stoned and as a result I have burned though all I have.  Am very much looking forwards to 6 or 7 weeks from now when I have my first smoke again :D


SO, pictures.......Here we go.......


The seeds were started on 12th July:




They opened fast, 2 days and ready to drop in the pots:




Where possible, I like to make use of the sun.  It kicks ass.  Lights rock and all, but the sun owns all.  So I had the pots going in the sun whenever possible and then under the light in the shed during the evenings, these are 35 days before flip:



Here they are 25 days before flip:




Finally ten days before flip:




From this point onwards the lighting has been changed to 12hr on and 12h off.  Flipped.  They stay in the shed now.  Lights on at 9pm, lights off at 9am.


Here we go, 6 days after flip, they all shot up, the Gorilla Girls most of all on the left side:




9 Days after flip:




And then a big leap forwards in time to now, this is due to I was unaware of a competition starting, just getting on with life n all that!


Here we go, 34 days after flip, today:




And another from a different angle.  Next week I shall pull out my camera and give it a dust off rather than using my mobile phone camera, a Samsung S10:




There we have it, up to date, a bit of a rush and not exactly competition winning stuff, but its not about the winning, its about the taking part and learning new things along the way.


Until next week I wish you all the best, keep safe, look after those close to you, be kind to everyone else, and if in doubt of something - Ask, don't go into a frenzy :)



Edited by Inspiration101
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Congratulations, you are the first in all the forums!


I send you my best energy, and I hope you enjoy the comp!

Sweet smokes!



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  • 2 weeks later...

cracking start ..is this year the year of record breaking autos i wonder ..best of luck inspiration

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I think I have seen the feet of Inspiration :ninja:




Thank you very much for sharing a diary and being one of the first. :king:


Sweet smokes!
- Apolo

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On 10/4/2020 at 6:30 PM, Fragg said:

@Inspiration101 very nice growing indeed from you once again mate:yep:


I was mighty impressed by the GG auto, tasted and hit just like GG4! :smokin:

ATB with them:oldtoker:


Thanks mate, personally I have found the GG fem to be very racy.  On the right day it is perfect, however, mostly I prefer those couch lock strains.  This will be an occasional smoke when the timing is right.


On 10/4/2020 at 6:59 PM, tokenroll said:

First to post man you aint hangin about. Dam nice growing and photos. Best of luck m8, should be fun.



Thanks chap, am hoping to get this one completed but not going to rush it as I have my actual competition seeds plus BlackJack to grow which I am really really really looking forwards to.  :smokin:


On 10/4/2020 at 7:21 PM, Exhale said:

Always on the grow fair play :yep:


Crack on.


For sure, never stopped this past 5 years, some grows have gone great, others not so.  Not to be disheartened I continue on and enjoy the fun as much as possible.  Thanks for looking in and leaving a comment :haveadab:


On 10/5/2020 at 0:15 AM, Shumroom said:

Looking good so far.


Best of luck with the grow and the competition :lucky:




Thanks, yea, not too bad, but room for improvement I think!  The ladies never got my full attention and sadly due to my extraction system not being up to task during the hot period this summer I had to reduce my lighting down to one bulb.  I couldn't get my hands on a 8" cool tube sadly, and I couldn't afford a new extraction fan - But I stumble on as best I can :yinyang:


On 10/5/2020 at 4:08 PM, Sweet Seeds -Jaypp said:

Congratulations, you are the first in all the forums!


I send you my best energy, and I hope you enjoy the comp!

Sweet smokes!




Yes, I was lucky to be first in there.  Thanks for sending some energy my way, life has been more challenging than usual this year, I very much appreciate your kind words of encouragement :thumsup:


On 10/16/2020 at 10:50 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

cracking start ..is this year the year of record breaking autos i wonder ..best of luck inspiration


I genuinely look forwards to seeing how you Auto growers do, maybe it will persuade me to revisit my not so high opinion of them.  Best of luck to you also! 


On 10/19/2020 at 8:53 AM, Sweet Seeds Apolo said:

I think I have seen the feet of Inspiration :ninja:




Thank you very much for sharing a diary and being one of the first. :king:


Sweet smokes!
- Apolo


Haha, you did, I thought I would take the idea from people showing their thumbs and turn it around a bit.  Glad you spotted my little joke, I did not think anyone would pick up on it, well done! :yahoo:

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Firstly, apologies, last week I was due to post some pictures with an update.  Sadly my frustration and anger got the better of me.  My psychologist has put a stop to me DDOS'ing this entire forum back to the 1970's where the internet no longer exists.  It would be unfair to destroy this site which supports so many due to the words of a mere few within.


I personally do not take kindly to those who preach unrestricted hate against the UK Police Force.  I especially do not take kindly to those who directly say I must be a Policeman.  On top of which, I most definitely take very seriously anyone who insinuates they have personal information on me and will use it to have a negative impact on my life.


The moderation team outside of this Forum is sorely lacking.  It is a shame.  It appears to me they prefer to allow people to hate hate hate (Little nod to Taylor Swift there).  They are very lucky I have a fantastic shrink.  I can, with ease, drop this forum into oblivion.  I choose not to.  There is more I am capable of beyond that, but I don't do threats, I now practise tolerance, love and compassion.  Negative emotions are for those who do not want to better themselves.


This is why there was no update last week.


Anyway.  That's done.  It is behind me.  I wish to enjoy this forum as many others do.  Let's continue with my weekly update. :)




It is day 51 of flower.  That's 7 weeks and 2 days.  Another 3 or 4 weeks I guess with some luck.  I have overwatered one of the ladies, you can see at the front centre where one plant has their leaves going all yellow and dieing.  She now has a little more heat near her roots to get things back on track.  Beyond that, all is good.


As I didn't arrange the labels on the pots well I am unsure which plants are which, and so I have only 3 photos to share - Better than zero! :D


Gorilla Girl @51 days




Psicodelicia @51 days




A shot of the entire lot.  Bear in mind, I only have one bulb running at 660w, as opposed to two.  Plus I did not consider that Sweet Seeds was running a competition - And so it all looks messy as hell, but I like it, it's rustic :bong:

Cream Caramel, Gorilla Girl, Psicodelicia @51 days




Until the next update I wish you all happiness, peace, harmony and a clear mind.  Be good to each other, and if you cannot - Keep your mouth shut and walk away, be the bigger person.








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Looking very nice indeed, well in there mate!


Positive vibes brother that’s what it’s all about so 10/10 for holding it together and staying positive. Stay lifted brother!


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the psychodelica is one frosteee mama all right, the gorilla is also looking great. 


bad craic on the haters, but as i say - in my usual blunt manner- fuck the lot of them, then fuck them some more. 

We need to remove these negative thinkers from our circle and move forward with the cool dudes.....because when the negative thinkers make our own thoughts negative, then they are winning, and we cant have that......


more diary updates, its like a supercharged diary this one, more power to the engines captain.....

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A mini update today.  Once again I did not get enough light for the kind of photos I wish to share - I will try harder tomorrow with additional lighting.  Also, I have not sorted out the labels on the pots so they are visible to me - I berate myself for this and will most definitely have this done tomorrow.  In the meantime, I do have a little to share...


First off, all the damaged leafs you will see is mostly down to overwatering (and a little wind damage from my fan), not allowing the pots to be fully dry before adding more water.  Although I have improved on this lack of technique since last grow - I clearly have a way to go.  I am aware the damaged leaves can end up rotting inside buds and so will be keeping a very close eye on things for the next few weeks whilst they complete their bloom & fattening up.  I am so close to the end of this project.


I shall be putting on some seeds later today: 


3 x BlackJack

2 x Bigfoot

2 x Sweet Amnesia Haze

2 x Sweet Zkittlez


I purchased 7 BlackJack due to the good advice offered within this forum . The others are the competition seeds gratefully received from the Sweet Seeds Team - Thanks peeps! :D


Here are a few photos for today (damn, I didn't upload them yet, opening another tab to do this, brb!)


Gorilla Girl @55 days, not as titled in the gallery, seems I added 10 days for some reason:




My favourite little GG bud @55 days




Cream Caramel @55 days




Psicodelicia @55 days




One of the following @55days - Cream Caramel, Gorilla Girl, or Psicodelicia - You decide!  I will sort those labels tomorrow and know for sure...



Edited by Inspiration101
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So how do you manage the temperature in your shed? Do you have additional heat with oil radiators for the evenings at this time of year? Or is it all mainly coming from the light?


interested to utilise my shed but worried about the weather

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