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EC for long veg


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Alright lads?


ive got a chart here that says I should run an EC of 1.1-1.2 in week 3 of veg but it doesn’t go any higher than week 3


im going to veg my girls for 8-10 weeks and growers ark have advised not to go over 1.6 or 1.8 ec for veg with their grow nutrients 


The chart then says you should start bloom with the same ec as what you fed in veg, so for example I ran 1.8 ec for week 8 of veg, should I run an ec of 1.8 for the first week of bloom?


any help much appreciated

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7 minutes ago, TotalNoob said:

im going to veg my girls for 8-10 weeks


Why are you vegging that long? Are you growing an American redwood? You're gonna have to give me some info here cos spending that long in veg, even from seedlings, just isnt right.


10 minutes ago, TotalNoob said:

growers ark have advised not to go over 1.6 or 1.8 ec for veg with their grow nutrients 


I never exceed 1.2 EC with Growers Ark, be it first feed, grow or bloom. Right through until I flush them. Less is more.


11 minutes ago, TotalNoob said:

The chart then says you should start bloom with the same ec as what you fed in veg, so for example I ran 1.8 ec for week 8 of veg, should I run an ec of 1.8 for the first week of bloom?


Yes, you've got that bit right. If your E.C is 1.8 in veg it wants to be the same or more in flower, but 1.8 is really really high (regardless as to what it says on the GA bottles)

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Thanks for the response.


I am growing one plant under one light in a 4x4ft so got to get it bigger than usual.


i may go up to 1.4 or 1.5 in veg then swap over to the same ec for first week of flower


what was your reasoning behind not going any higher than 1.2? Does it burn them?


im at 1 now in week 3 veg.




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11 minutes ago, TotalNoob said:

I am growing one plant under one light in a 4x4ft so got to get it bigger than usual.


10 weeks is still too long, what size pot are you using? Anything over 25/30ltr is too big and you've wasted medium, time and money. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but generally you're looking at 10 days of rooting per 10L of coco, 30 days maximum for a 30L pot.


11 minutes ago, TotalNoob said:

i may go up to 1.4 or 1.5 in veg then swap over to the same ec for first week of flower


Growing cannabis isn't a paint by numbers exercise, it sounds to me like you are giving them what YOU want rather than what THEY want.


11 minutes ago, TotalNoob said:

what was your reasoning behind not going any higher than 1.2? Does it burn them?


I measure inputs/outputs and read my plants, that tells me everything I need to make a decision on E.C strength. in coco I measure the E.C going in and E.C coming out as well as making a note of the volume of water going in the pot and the volume of water coming out of the pot.


You are looking for 20% run off volume (so thats 20% of what goes in the top, out of the bottom), and you want your EC to stay the same or be a few points less than what it goes in the top at. If your E.C is coming out higher than it is going in, and your run off volume has decreased you need to fertigate them more often, if your E.C is coming out higher than it is going in and your run off volume is the same or increased, then you are overfeeding and need to add less nutrient to the solution



I am getting tired of telling people how to water plants lol I wonder how many times I have typed this recently lol



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I’m in 30L alien easy feed, I should have said that I’m in soil too.... my bad!

I will flower if the 4x4 square is filled but I’m sure it will be close to 10 weeks 


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1 minute ago, TotalNoob said:

I will flower if the 4x4 square is filled but I’m sure it will be close to 10 weeks 


You can lead a horse to water!


Good luck dude

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If you get the right soil you won't need many nutes during veg.


You can't predict what ec you'll need either you have to let the plant tell you.

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If you're growing in "soil" (it's not soil, it's compost) then you don't need to worry about ec meters. Alien easy feed eh, nothing easier than a watering can mate, I just don't get why people want to make this complicated.


Any reason you're growing one plant? Why not grow 2? You could cut the veg time down and not waste so much time and electric. Another reason is, what if that 1 plant goes to shit/hermies, it's that eggs in one basket thing isn't it :ouch:

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Just now, GSZZ said:


its coming with the new dripper sticky lol its hard to find time at the moment !

Good to be busy at this time .:oldtoker:

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On 28/09/2020 at 4:33 PM, GSZZ said:

You are looking for 20% run off volume (so thats 20% of what goes in the top, out of the bottom), and you want your EC to stay the same or be a few points less than what it goes in the top at. If your E.C is coming out higher than it is going in, and your run off volume has decreased you need to fertigate them more often, if your E.C is coming out higher than it is going in and your run off volume is the same or increased, then you are overfeeding and need to add less nutrient to the solution



I am getting tired of telling people how to water plants lol I wonder how many times I have typed this recently lol



@GSZZ I feel a little nervous asking you a question based on the end of your advice with getting tired of telling people how to waterlol but needs must as you seem to know your stuff... 


I put no more than 1.3EC in and my run off is coming out half of that, what does that mean?and how do i fix it if I want the run off to be around 1.1/1.2? 



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