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Germination - tap root query (1st timer!)

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Hi, I need some advice please. I tried germinating in soil but with no success after 15 days I have now put a couple of seeds in a glass of water. Each has the beginnings of a taproot that I can see with a magnifying glass. These roots are only 1mm or maybe 2mm right now.

Should I wait for them to be a little longer before putting root side down into soil? If so what length should I be seeing before planting them please.

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6 minutes ago, catweazle1 said:

If you put them in root side up, the seedling will lose the shell easier. I always plant pointed end up.

Thank you for such a swift reply, I’m learning something here everyday and shall follow your advice.

3 minutes ago, chilled artist said:

I'd wait for tap root to be about 1-1.5cm long before planting using that method, 

good luck with the grow, buddy

Thank you this is most helpful. I’m looking forward to getting going and did not anticipate failing at the first hurdle!

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