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Pineapple Skunk Ice Water Hash


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I have recently been having some nightmare hermi issues in my flower tent and some of the plants have ended up with seeds in them.


One of the worst was a Pineapple Skunk which was full of seeds so I decided to do a bubble hash run with it, I have only run trim and air buds before, never a whole plant so this is a bit of an experiment 


I chopped the plant, removed all the fan leaves, broke up all the flowers and the put them in the freezer. I did keep the top of one cola back to dry for vaping as I love the flavour and have just run out.


Pineapple Skunk for Bubble Run



I have a Bubblebagdude machine and enough ice for four 15 minute washes. After each wash the water is drained into the bubble bags, I use the 25, 73, 160 & 220u bags and before I start to pull the bags it’s left to settle for an hour or two.


I noticed a lot more foam on the surface than I get when using trim, it smells very nice in my kitchen during the washing cycles, stinks of Pineapple Skunk.


The First Wash 





The 220 and 160u bags are full of plant material so they get ditched, I keep the 73u and the 25u hash, both are worth keeping although some people say they ditch the 25u, what a waste, it’s very potent and tasty.


There isn’t as much yield from this one plant as when I use trim but there is a lot more material with trim as I collect it over a few months. I am not bothered about the yield on this, it’s just going to be nice having hash made with one strain for a change.

1st run 73u


1st run 25u

I squeezed the excess water out of the paste and then froze it, once frozen it was micro planed onto some parchment paper and is now drying.


73u Pineapple Skunk Drying 



25u Pineapple Skunk Drying


I did 4 runs in total, as with using trim the first two runs yielded the most and the other two there was a lot less.


This morning I squished a little bit of each grade together to give me a bit to vape while the rest is drying, it’s very nice in my Sticky Brick Runt, tastes just like the flowers but a lot stronger.  


I will update in a few days when it’s dry.




Edited by Smokebelch
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@ShumroomCheers dude, that bit was still very wet but it’s ok for vaping.


Yesterday I spent a bit of time removing all the bigger clumps from the planed hash and then decanted it into some little dab pots.


The bigger clumps were hand pressed for vaping, it’s very nice, tasty as fuck and strong, it’s especially nice when vaped with buds from the same Pineapple Skunk plant that I made the hash with.

I have 2 pots of 73u and 1 pot of 25u, I will leave these open to fully dry for a few more days and then I will press it. It’s not a big yield, around an eighth I think.


I will run a whole plant again at some point, I am very happy with the hash I am getting but I think I can get more yield if I run the machine without the work bag, a few people have told me you loose a lot if you have the work bag in the machine so next time I will run it without.


Big Clumps for Hand Pressing 


73u Pineapple Skunk Hash



25u Pineapple Skunk Hash



The Runt with Pineapple Skunk Hash and Flowers



Edited by Smokebelch
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@Smokebelch  That looks sooooo tasty  :yep:   Having  sadly not had a bit of hash / oil  in well over a decade :(   you have me salivating at the thought lol    


Can i ask your opinion on the comparison of difference in effect , taste & duration between both the hash & bud form of the same plant please ?    



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