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Thrips attack?


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Can you guys confirm if this are thrips?:headpain:

I was checking this Remo chemo today and I found couple of this little fuckers on the lower leaves.



I removed 4-5 leaves from the bottom who got this small silver marks,I can't see anymore in the upper side but I'll do another close inspection tomorrow.


I'm 4 weeks in flower,plant still looks healthy and I couldn't see any marks on the other 2 Blue Kush I got in.


What's the best and quickest way to get rid of them?

I heard about this predators,are they any good?if so,which one I have to order?

Appreciate your help guys:yep:



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Neem oil is organic and effective, you have caught them early. 

"Someone" is transferring them in from outside perhaps ?

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That looks like a young Thrip to me, they don't have a long life cycle (about 40-60 days depending on temps) and leave a fair amount of eggs but don't usually travel in packs so if you can get rid of the current infestation you may be alright. Locate any leaves with scarring or damage and check the hollow upper parts of stems at the base of the leaves to inspect for larvae or mature thrips. An insecticidal soap and neem oil can help kill them off but avoid getting them in your flowers for the sake of mould and ruining the flavour as neem tastes like garbage. You could supplement Botanigard fungi too to prevent and kill with weekly feeds, there's good info on using it if you search for BioWorks Inc Cannabis production.

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@Bartyfartblast, @Hazed4Daze

Cheers guys,definitely that "someone" is me and I probably bring them from my herbs outside.

I need to raise my hygiene standards before I enter in the grow area.:doh:


I had all plants out and give them an intensive check and looks like is just this plant with problems.

I removed in total about 6-8 leaves with small white/silver marks on them,all from bottom.

I don't really want to risk with neem oil at this stage to not affect the buds but I ordered couple of this predators sachets you hang on plant with Amblyseius swirskii and cucumeris and a bottle of hypoaspis miles,hopefully they'll work.





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