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"Humbinskis" San Bacio Gelato & Sunrise Sherbert Growing Insane!


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Alright there @2Fat2EatThat


Things are moving along nicely in here, bang on track you could say :punk:


The switch to coco with the addition of the new nutes appears to be suiting your grow a treat, great stuff mate.


Take it easy. Jj :skin_up:

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@Jibba jabba hey buddy! How are you doing? I'm doing good man, moving on a bit. I even had bud rot last week and shrugged it off meltdown free lol 


 I just had to accept that no matter what I thought I knew from before my madness, I'd lost it all in the passage of time and I needed to start afresh, so I did.


With compost you can be very sloppy if you want to. Measure out, feed it and wait until its nearly dry. It's nowhere near as engaging and left me with nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs in ignorance.


Coco gave me control over each and every aspect of the grow and forced me to understand it. I can measure, test, adjust and retest accordingly. It's basically growing with a Haynes Manual which is just what I needed. I'm still struggling with the social side of life but my growings solid and we all know how much that means to us.


Take care my king lol







I started doing this update last friday, I blinked and here I am Wednesday and still not posted, wtf have I been doing?! "I was gonna do an update..... but then I got high....then I got high.........then I got hiiigghhh" sounds about right lol

It's a bit low on shots for me but let's just get this done shall we.

My latest data -

Temps lights on 28.5 lights off 22.6c

Root temps 25c

Feed temps 24c 

RH 58%



Feed is still at 1.5ec Ive upped the ph a little to 6.5+/- .3 to encourage broader uptake. Still feeding twice a day to keep a solid grip on the root zone. All run off's dipped and hovering around the required 20% uptake. 

Shoguns doses per litre -

 A + B 3ml 
Katana 1ml
Silicon 1ml
Calmag .5

Weekly supplementals -  

1 dose of Epsom Salts

1 Foliar spray of Shoguns Geisha mixed with Sumo Active Boost for Shogun powered ninja growth.

By next week I'll have fitted the lateral cane supports and put the Sunrise Sherbert in for flowering as shes at 70cm length now,ahhh the real pressure begins lol


Stay safe people!!!


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35 minutes ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:

How are you doing?

Not to bad all things considered, tho the trials and tribulations of teenage kids is getting to me, I am sure I wasn’t that cock sure of myself when I was a teen, nah it’s not that bad, just the general attitude winds me up a bit sometimes.


38 minutes ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:

I'd lost it all in the passage of time and I needed to start afresh,

Well you certainly are doing something right with your grow as it looks an absolute picture of health :yep:

Take it easy mate. Jj :yinyang:

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  • 2 weeks later...



F***k me times flying !!!!


After last weeks update both my Sunrise Sherbert and San Bacio Gelato hit the ends of their canes so went into flower in turn over a few days. 


For simplicity in write ups I'm going to call it as 10 days from the 26/9/20. I wrote this then but spent the last 36hrs in bed with cluster migraines, fucking hate them and that's also the reason my images are bit shit this time round.


I've had one or two "its just mainlining mate you didn't invent it ffs" messages here and elsewhere, and yes folks I know that, but I just explain what I'm doing without naming it as there are a thousand variables on a name:haveadab: 


The bit I haven't seen much before are the bamboo rails along the sides. They guide growth obviously, but they were also put there as a way to combat stretch in a compact space.


Stretch in a small space is a bitch. So at flip, I raise my pots as high as I can to fight stretch the old school way. Once the cane rails are fitted I then deal with stretch in two ways. I either tie down stretch repeatedly, as I have this time with my San Bacio Gelato. Or I can let stretch happen and when set I then tip each branch over until the tops level with the rail and tie it there, as with my Sunrise this time.


You can just about see the difference here, not a great image but it works - 




With either method you end up with a criss cross lattice of stems, but with a nice organised row of colas that are really well supported across the top. I Will get some better shots next week.


When they went in to flower, I upped the EC to 1.8 with  PH  at 6.5 +/-. I've no burn at that level and I'm getting good growth so unless they really demand it feed will stay there for now.


Shoguns doses per litre -


A + B 3ml 
Katana .5ml
Silicon 1ml
Calmag .5
Sumo Active Boost 2ml


Weekly supplementals -  


1 dose of Epsom Salts

1 Foliar spray of Shoguns Geisha mixed with Sumo Active Boost.


This image was taken this morning and I'm happy to say I have Pistils from my Sunrise Sherbert -




The fun is well under way then, and Im hopeful for some nice flowers from these ladies. I've also got my first round of cuts hardening off as we speak from both strains so I dont think I'm going to vaping much else for a couple of months, could be worse!


See you next week folks, hope you enjoy my arty bits.




If you want more of my imaginings you can find me on instagram as Indicadreamer.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Hey folks,


I hope this finds you and yours well on this autumnal Sunday.


It appears I didn't get round to posting last weeks update here, apologies, it's just been nuts at home.


Were at day 24 of flower and my Sunrise Sherbert is greasing up real nice! San Bacio is not as heavily sugared as yet, but she'll be well encrusted soon enough.




I've not had to be quite as aggressive with the cane rails this time because they've both behaved really well, sitting nicely upright. Once the flowers gain real mass the rails also support them and can be adjusted upwards to take up any wobble.They may only be a few garden canes and some string, but used like this they help cope with many aspects of a grow. 


Heres a flash shot of San Bacio Gelato to  highlight the structure of the flowers amongst the foliage - 



Grow data for flower day 24 - 11/10/20 


Temps on 26.9c off 20.2c 


Humidity 52%


Feed 1.8ec 6-6.5 ph


Shoguns doses per litre 

A + B 4ml 
Silicon 1ml
Calmag .5
P/K Warrior .5
Sumo Active Boost 2ml


Feeding twice a day, with run off tested.


Weekly supplementals -  


1 dose of Epsom Salts - part of a weekly soft, low ec, ph adjusted flush.


Geisha mist.


A light sprinkle of Mychorizal Fungi after the flush before giving next full strength feed. This really picks them and gets them firing on all cylinders after the flush.




Since using Shoguns products ive noticed a real change in how powerfully the plants smell. It doesnt matter what strain, unless specifically a low aroma plant, everything comes out double honkey donkey.




Its the kind of canna funk that if my kids are being annoyingly teenagerish, I just have to open my personal jar and within seconds they've gone, and best of all they cant even answer back!! Ah the miraculous wonders of weed.


There we are then another week done and closer to a Humbinskis fuelled christmas!!




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@2Fat2EatThat nice to see these pictures a little bigger than on instagram, Looking sweet as usual.

Busy here atm tops chopped here on the top shelf and ready for jars, now starting to remove all the lower buds. Fuck i hate trimming.



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Hey herb lovers,


Here were again.


So were at day 31 of flowering both strains, and things have reached a tipping point. Stretch is done and now we're building flower and trichome blizzards!


The Sunrise Sherbert in particular has absolutely exploded with sugar all over and smells like engine oil and sharp sweet fruit.




San Bacio is packing some seriously rich aromas of thick musk incense, warm bread and sweet paprika that gets me going every time. But shes not as sugared up.




I have always had an over sensitive nose that can smell a hot cross bun from 5 miles, so your interpretation may be a little different but I think you get the drift.


I spotted a slight touch of burn a few days back, so have wound the A+B down .5ml and its stopped.


Grow stats - 


Lights on 26.9c Off 20.5c


Humidity 53%


Feed - 1.7ec

PH 6.5 +/_ .2


Shoguns doses per litre -

A + B 3.5ml 
Katana .5ml
Silicon 1ml
Calmag .5
PKwarrior .5ml
Sumo Active Boost 2ml




Weekly supplementals -  

1 dose of Epsom Salts in my weekly soft  flush. Before the feed after flush, I add a little Mychorizal Fungi powder to wash down through to maintain solid levels.
1 Foliar spray of Shoguns Geisha mixed with Sumo Active Boost 


Heres San Bacio side on - 




Grow Basics - 


Nutrition - Shogun Coco range with Geisha.

Medium - Ecothrives Coco Pro.

Lighting - 2 x 150w CMH


Massive thanks as always to -


@Dinafem-Mark Humboldt and Sherbknskis for the seeds.


Shogun Fertilisers for their faultless range products.


Nearly halfway through and everything looking bang on, cant be bad lol


Until next time.

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@Oldbear thanks mate, I'm happy with both strains but the San Bacio really floats my flavour boat lol think I'm in for some nice stocks over Christmas. Hope yours grows out like mine have with really nice stocky flowers.




My photos are all over the place this week,really struggled with my antique tripod but did my best.


Hey growers,


This week has been a total shit show after another one of my stupid falls when trying to get to the stairlift. I hate getting into my wheelchair just to roll the 3m between my recliner and the stairs for a bathroom visit.




This time my chair pushes me up, I take a step, lose my legs, go over hard hitting the arm of the sofa with my ribs before slamming the floor side on and jarring my stupidly fragile neck. I've done fuck all but breathing very slowly and throwing up every time I move to much. I'm still in shed loads of extra pain, but the migraines are passing day by day and it's those that kill me the most. I've had to hit the opioids pretty hard as I don't have any stocks but that's how it goes sometimes in a small space.




Plant wise, everything's cool with both strains but I think the wife has over fed the Sunrise judging by the slight clawing she has but it cant be helped, she doesn't normally measure out and precision really is not her thing!


Grow stats - 


Temps on 27.2c off 20.1c
Humidity 51%
Feed - 1.7ec
PH 6.5 +/_ .2


Shoguns doses per litre -


A + B 3.5ml 
Katana .5ml
Silicon 1ml
Calmag .5
PKwarrior .5ml
Sumo Active Boost 2ml


Weekly supplementals -  


1 dose of Epsom Salts in a weekly soft  flush. Before first feed after flush I add a little Mychorrhizal powder to wash down through and maintain solid levels.
1 Foliar spray of Shoguns Geisha mixed with Sumo Active Boost 




All going good here then and we're more than half way through, time always drags mid diary doesn't it!


See you next week





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  • 2 weeks later...


 @Jibba jabba @tokenroll @Dinafem-Mark @samhigh @Amo 


Hey folks,


Apologies for the delay folks.


I can announce I'm now back under some LED supplied by Brighter Botanics a new company that's starting out and this is their first product.


Its only 150w but is spread across 4 bars and is 60cm x 30cm fitting my narrow space perfectly well. Its Samsung LM301H, Meanwell XLG150-24-A so really solid performance, and the plants love it.


As we roll into the final few weeks of this grow I'm happy with how things are set with both strains. 


During my fall either my wife or I must have over fed the Sunrise Sherbert a few times as her growth had slowed and she wasnt feeding. A few warm flushes, low strength feeds and some Mychorrhizal powder have gotten her back on track. I think we lost about a weeks growth all in but shes catching up fast now!




My San Bacio Gelato is in a world of its own and booming with some decent sized colas and plenty of sugar on the side.




Grow stats - 


Flowering Day 48

Temps on 28.5c off 21.1c
Humidity 53%
Feed - 1.7ec
PH 6.5 +/_ .3


Shoguns doses per litre -


A + B 3ml 
Silicon 1ml
Calmag .5
PKwarrior .5ml
Sumo Active Boost 2ml




Weekly supplementals -


1 dose of Epsom Salts in a weekly soft  flush. Before first feed after flush I add a little Mychorrhizal powder to wash down through and maintain solid levels.
1 Foliar spray of Shoguns Geisha mixed with Sumo Active Boost 




I already have secondary seed plants of both strains vegging alongside a whole raft of cuts that will be flowering over the next few months.


There we have it then, about 3 weeks left to go and all in hand.



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Alright there @2Fat2EatThat


Your plants are looking blooming marvellous mate :hippy:


My apologies for not popping in as regularly as I usually do, you know life just gets in the way some times, I now am almost on the straight and narrow, not been smoking during the week for at least a month now, which has been refreshing, the only downside is come the weekend I’ll have a little smoke whilst I am out on a walk and it has been completely destroying me, I tell ya that Chemdawg is something else, but to bring a positive out of that I can’t physically smoke like I used to so absolutely no change of me coming even close to running out, good or bad I think that’s the way forward for me now.


So these new leds that you’re using are they made in England or imported? What’s the prices like? 

Anyway stay safe and 



Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Jibba jabba I'm feeling you mate, one thing that was reaffirmed during my breakdown was that weed can sometimes be just as damaging as it is helpful in many ways.


Physically I've no choice, but mentally I'm careful now and go without sometimes to check if whatever is floating around my head is genuine and not just a weed amplified exaggeration of something I'd brush off straight.


Hope your doing good though buddy, and bet that smoke feels punchy lol


Diary now.....




Hey folks,


So were at 58 days and the plants are doing great. They've been following Shoguns schedule and have only been having Dragon Force at 4ml/l and Sumo Active Boost at 1ml/l until tomorrow when they'll be on PH'd H2O for a week flush then chop chop chop lol




I'm in the middle of a mad week that I cant get into quite yet so please excuse my lack of detail other than the fact evegthings done great, as you can see in my shots.




These plants have basically grown themselves as I've done nothing fancy, but I struck it lucky with my San Bacio pheno! It's a beast and cuts are sat here waiting for action!


I also have a monster cut of Sunrise Sherbert that I've not displayed as yet but she has branches as thick as my finger!




By this time next week I'll be sat waiting for Saturday with my snippets in my hand and probably not enough jars as yield has been decent with both.


I'd like to point out that for 5 weeks theyve only been sat under 150w Samsung LM301B in a 4 bar unit built my friend at Brighter Botanics. Cant argue with the results can you?






There we go then, one more week to go and itll be xmas! Sorry it's a but light on detail but have had a seriously testing week behind the scenes and is all I got.


Getting there now @Dinafem-Mark nothing like scary expensive seeds to focus the mind, phew! Thanks man.


Enjoy your weekend folks.

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